Complete the sentence with the correct question tag.
He is mad at me, ...?
He is mad at me, isn't he?
How to say nudny in English?
Choose the correct question tag.
She told you her secret, ...?
a) didn't she
b) doesn't she
c) hasn't she
d) won't she
a) didn't she
What can be:
a) dirty,
b) wet?
For example:
a) dirty clothes, dirty hands, dirty water
b) wet grass, wet hair, wet umbrella
Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
a) Buy something to drink, ...?
b) I'm handsome, ...?
c) Let's order a pizza, ...?
a) Buy something to drink, will you?
b) I'm handsome, aren't I?
c) Let's order a pizza, shall we?
Give the opposite of the following words.
a) good-looking
b) reliable
c) shy
a) ugly
b) unreliable
c) brave / sociable / talkative
Complete the answer with the correct reply question.
- I haven't enjoyed my trip to the museum.
- ...? But why?
- I haven't enjoyed my trip to the museum.
- Haven't you? But why?
Put the words into the correct categories.
castle, crop, fume, shrimp
COUNTRY - crop
FOOD - shrimp
PLACE - castle
Translate the following sentences into English.
- Nikt nie przyszedł na nasze spotkanie.
- Naprawdę? Przykro mi to słyszeć.
- Nobody / No one came to our meeting.
- Didn't they? I'm sorry to hear that.
Translate the words and phrases into English.
a) dziwny
b) nurkować
c) rozczarować, zawieść kogoś
d) rozstać się z kimś, zerwać z kimś
e) ulga
a) strange / weird
b) dive
c) disappoint somebody
d) break up with somebody
e) relief