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Column IV

Name 5 soft skills needed in 21st century

flexibility, adaptability, time management skills, communication skills, stree resistant


What is the difference between soft skills and hard skills?

Soft skills are transfearable skills. They are needed in different jobs.


What is a SUSTAINABLE company?

The one which has a triple bottom line concept.


Give 5 examples of using THE 

The Black sea 

The rich should help the poor.

The British

The Brussles is a nice hotel

The Alps


When do we use "will"? 

1.Instant decision2. Promise. 3. Far future. 

4Prediction with no evidence.


What does "up" mean? Give at least 5 examples with "up"


greater quantity\quality

to make sth visible

finishing completely

preparing for action


say at least 5 phrases on the topic " Giving opinion" (agreeing or disagreeing)

To my mind, in my opinion, I agree to a certain extent, I partly agree, I`m not sure (about that) etc.


Name some benefits of electrical scooters

cleared space roads

less carbon footprint

less traffic jams


What is the difference between PRESENT PERFECT  and PAST SIMPLE?

PRESENT PERFECT is used in the period of time which is still going on, such as "today" , "this week", "in my life: , whereas PAST SIMPLE only to express actions which happened in a finished period of time.
Plus, in Present Perfect we don`t need to know when the action happened. We don`t care of it. We need the impact on NOW. 


What is the difference between STATIVE VERBS and NON-STATIVE VERBS?

STATIVE VERBS express action (work, watch, sign up, release)

NON-STATIVE VERS don`t express action , so we cannot use them in  Continuous or Prefecr Continuous


How can we express near future? Give expamles using "tomorrow"

Tomorrow I am seeing my friend.

Tomorrow I am going to see my friend.

Tomorrow I am likely to see my fried.

Tomorrow I might\could see my friend.


When can`t we use WILL talking about future?

Give examples

in near future