He said "I like ice cream".
He said he liked ice cream.
The giraffe is ________ (tall) animal in the Sahara.
the tallest
The ending -est is usually found in comparatives.
No, it's the ending of superlatives
This summer was hotter than last year, but scientists say next summer will be even more hotter.
This summer was hotter than last year, but scientists say next summer will be even hotter.
The Amazon rainforest is the ______ of many endangered species.
1. Pollution 2. Fossil Fuels 3. Habitat 4. Sustainability 5. Renewable Energy 6. Waste 7. Recycling 8. Plastic 9. Climate Change 10. Consumption
She said "Lisa has blonde hair".
She said Lisa had blonde hair.
The city is _______ (noisy) the countryside.
Noisier than
Mice are bigger than dogs.
No. Mice (plural of mouse) are smaller than dogs.
This river is more clean than it was last year, thanks to new environmental laws.
This river is cleaner than it was last year, thanks to new environmental laws.
_____ can be reduced by using reusable products instead of disposable ones.
1. Pollution 2. Fossil Fuels 3. Habitat 4. Sustainability 5. Renewable Energy 6. Waste 7. Recycling 8. Plastic 9. Climate Change 10. Consumption
He said "I'm not coming to work because I'm sick"
He said he wasn't coming to work because he was sick.
Rovereto is _______ (big) Trento.
less big than
The life expectancy of a turtle is as long as that of butterflies.
Wrong, it's longer. Butterflies only live for a 20/40 days.
The pollution in the city is getting worst every year.
The pollution in the city is getting worse every year.
The ocean is full of _____, which harms marine animals.
1. Pollution 2. Fossil Fuels 3. Habitat 4. Sustainability 5. Renewable Energy 6. Waste 7. Recycling 8. Plastic 9. Climate Change 10. Consumption
My parents said we were going to visit my granparents.
The weather today is way ______ (bad) than yesterday. It's pouring!
People are looking for ways to increase plastic in food production.
Recycling is one of the better ways to reduce waste.
Recycling is one of the best ways to reduce waste.
Using _____ contributes to air pollution and global warming.
1. Pollution 2. Fossil Fuels 3. Habitat 4. Sustainability 5. Renewable Energy 6. Waste 7. Recycling 8. Plastic 9. Climate Change 10. Consumption
fossil fuels
Laura said she had been to a great concert recently.
Peacocks have ______ (beautiful) feathers of all the animals.
the most beautiful
Using plastic bags is more sustainable than using reusable ones.
Wrong, it's less sustainable.
That cake is the tastier dessert I’ve ever had.
That cake is the tastiest dessert I’ve ever had.
Scientists say that _____ is making hurricanes stronger.
1. Pollution 2. Fossil Fuels 3. Habitat 4. Sustainability 5. Renewable Energy 6. Waste 7. Recycling 8. Plastic 9. Climate Change 10. Consumption
climate change