correct the mistakes

Guess the nature words by their definitions:

1) an animal which is hunted by another animal;

2) an animal which is at risk from extinction;

3) all the animals and plants in a particular place and how they relate to each other

1) prey; 2) endangered species; 3) ecosystem


1) - Do you want to go out tonight?

 - Not really. I've had a busy week. I'd prefer to stay home and fruit out.

2) - What qualities are you looking for in a good candidate?

- Ideally someone who is quite a getter.

1) I'd prefer to stay home and veg out.

2) Ideally someone who is quite a go getter.


1) Do you fancy to go/ going out for pizza?

2) We tend to get/ getting cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.

1) fancy going

2) tend to get


A:  It’s the best café in town.      

B:  I’d say the _______. 

I'd say the opposite.


1) Unfortunately, after paying the rent we had a little/little money left over for food. 

2) We were joined by several of/ several John’s friends. 

3)   It’s my birthday so I’m going to have few/ a few people over tonight. Do you want to come?

1) little

2) several of

3) a few


Replace the adjectives in the sentences with an extreme adjective:

1) Some people love very scary movies but I prefer films that make me feel good.

2) I don't like very crowded supermarkets. That's why I go shopping when it's not busy.

3) I always get a very big hug from my parents when I visit.

4) I can't cook in a kitchen unless it's very clean.

1) terrifying; 2) packed; 3) gigantic; 4) spotless


1) Carol can be in a storeroom. I saw her there ten minutes ago.

2) It mustn't be Andrew's bedroom. He is filthy and this is spotless.

1) Carol could be/ might be in a storeroom. I saw her there ten minutes ago.

2) It can't be Andrew's bedroom. He is filthy and this is spotless.


1) We have a little/ little bread left. Would you like some?

2) We did a bit/ a bit of research.

1) a little bread;

2) a bit of.


Put the words in the correct order to express your opinion:

take/ that/ me/ you/ it/ can/ from Beijing is one of the best places in the world to live.

You can take it from me that...


Complete the sentences with the phrases related to society:

1) We highly value _________. People are allowed to say almost anything without fear of punishment.

2) People are scared of ___________. Some people I know won’t go out in big crowds in case there is an attack. 

3)   Too many politicians have been accused of ____________ . They hide much of their money overseas.

1) freedom of speech;

2) terrorist threats;

3) tax evasion


Complete the sentences with one nature word:

1) Due to high rainfall in the region ... are very common. As a result, many people have moved to higher areas.

2) I spent days staying with a tribe who live in tree houses in the forest ...

3) Headlice are a common ... in children. They are easily removed with a special shampoo.

1) flash floods; 2) canopy; 3) parasite


1) A few the people were worried that the boat would sink.

2) The expedition cost a large number of money.

1) A few of the people were worried that the boat would sink.

2) The expedition cost a large amount of money.


Complete the sentences with the correct verb pattern:

We moved house to get / getting away from the noisy neighbours.

To swim/ swimming in clear blue water is my dream activity. 

I suppose I miss to spend/ spending time with my family and friends.

We moved house to get away from the noisy neighbours.

Swimming in clear blue water is my dream activity. 

I suppose I miss spending time with my family and friends.


1) A:  That’s expensive!        B: ________ about it! 

2)  A:  We can’t afford it.        B:  I ____ with you.

1) Tell me about it!

2) I agree with you.


1) The students refused to change/ changing classrooms. 

2) Her brother is very passionate about to run/ running.

1) to change

2) running


Give your definitions to the following words/ phrases:

1) hustle and bustle;

2) a slob;

3) big-headed

1) A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding. 

2) A person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness.

3) thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you really are; arrogant


1) If you hadn't spended all our money, I would be able to afford a new coat. 

2) We would lie on a beach right now, if we  hadn't forgotten our passports.

3) I wouldn't be walk on air, if my team hadn't won the match this morning.

1) If you hadn't spent all our money, I would be able to afford a new coat. 

2) We would be lying on a beach right now, if we  hadn't forgotten our passports.

3) I wouldn't be walking on air, if my team hadn't won the match this morning.


Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets:

The explorers took only ... (little) equipment with them into the jungle.

A village doesn't produce ... (large) waste.

They spent ... (great) time exploring the area.

The explorers took only a little equipment with them into the jungle.

A village doesn't produce a large amount of waste.

They spent a great deal of time exploring the area.


we/ think/ I/ that/ don’t should be focussing on the unemployed themselves.  

to /it /seems /that /me it should be up to the companies to create jobs through investment.

I don't think that we should...

It seems to me that...


Put the letters in the correct order to complete the sentences. 

1) It is said that there’s no such thing as a purely _________ act. We all gain something, even from an act of kindness. (tltuaisicr)

2) Fortunately, I don’t think I know any really ________ people. Everyone I know is very kind. (ehsflis)

3) It’s not surprising that people ________ their principles when it doesn’t suit them. (oanadnb)

1) altruistic; 2) selfish; 3) abandon


Read the descriptions of people and use an adjective to describe them:

1) Mary gets worried if she doesn't arrive at the airport hours before her flight.

2) Mike really loves telling people how good he is at playing chess.

3) Pauline is always cheerful and optimistic when I see her.

1) anxious; 2) big-headed; 3) upbeat


1) A:   I’ve found us a really good save account.     

B:    What’s good about it?     

A:    It gives us a good interest rate that will always be above inflaction. 

2) A:   If we don’t find a way to create some more come in then we really are in danger of going bankrupped.     

B:    That’s bad news! I didn’t realise we were in such debit.

1) savings account; inflation;

2) income; bankrupt; debt.


Complete the story using the words:

If Pepe hadn't lost his job, he wouldn't have been broke.

1. rob a bank (third conditional)

2. send to prison (third conditional)

3. be a criminal (mixed conditional)

1. If he hadn't been broke, he wouldn’t have robbed a bank. 

2. If he hadn’t robbed a bank, he wouldn’t have been sent to prison. 

3. If he hadn’t been sent to prison, he wouldn’t be a criminal.


Complete the conversation with one word in each gap. 

L: You look a bit down, James. Are you OK?

J: No, I’m not, Lisa. I’m broke.

L: R______ ? But it’s only the fifth of the month.

J: Well, after rent and bills I don’t have much left. It’s like that for everyone, ________?

L: Not n__________ . You just have to organise your money better.

J: No d____  a____ i___! I suppose I should try to save a little bit of money each month.

1) Really?

2) isn't it?

3) necessarily

4) doubt about it


1) If you ask/ asked me, it’s a bad idea.

2) In/ To my opinion, it’s too expensive. 

3) It seems to/ for me that we are looking at this the wrong way

1) ask

2) In my opinion

3) It seems to me