Multiple Conjugaisons
Vocab de la Chanson #1
Seulement le Conditionnel
(Imp + Cond)
Vocab de la Chanson #2
I was (imparfait) I was (passé composé) I would be (conditionnel)
What is : (Need all 3 for the points!!) J'étais J'ai été Je serais
Que veut dire (What does it mean) : Les paroles
What is : The lyrics
I would wear
Je porterais
En francais: If I had a sandwich, it would be ham.
Verbs have to be correct to get the points! Otherwise you can have up to 2 spelling/vocab errors :/ and still get credit. Si j'avais un sandwich, il serait du jambon.
Comment dit-on : The dog licks the bowl.
Maximum of 1 error to earn points: Le chien leche la gamelle.
How to say en français: We went (p.c.) We were going / We used to go (imp) We would go (cond)
What is : (Need all 3 for the points!!) Nous sommes allés (don't forget the plural agreement) Nous allions Nous irions
Que veut dire (What does it mean) : La chanson a été écrite
What is : The song was written
He would say
Il dirait
En francais: If you (tu) were more nice, I would be your friend.
Verbs have to be correct to get the points! Otherwise you can have up to 2 spelling/vocab errors :/ and still get credit. Si tu étais plus gentil, je serais ton ami(e).
Comment dit-on 2 ways to say "Sometimes"
ZERO errors to earn points: Quelquefois Parfois
En français: She laughed (rigoler) She was laughing / She used to always laugh She would laugh
What is : (Need all 3 for the points!!) Elle a rigolé Elle rigolait Elle rigolerait
Que veut dire (What does it mean) : Les mensonges, les ragots
What is : The lies, the gossip
The boys would think
Les garcons penseraient
En francais: If we thought the movie was good, we would buy tickets.
Both verbs have to be right! Max 2 other errors for full credit. Si nous pensions que le film était bon, nous acheterions des billets.
Comment dit-on: I would dig and I would bark
Maximum of 1 error to earn points: Je creuserais et j'aboyerais
En français: The friends saw (VOIR) The friends used to see The friends would see
What is Les amis ont vu Les amis voyaient Les amis verraient
Que veut dire (What does it mean) : échapper aux contraintes du quotidien
What is : To escape the duties, pressures of daily life (multiple key words in there!!)
Lucie would not want
Lucie ne voudrait pas
En francais: If she knew the answer, she would say it.
Both verbs have to be right! Max 2 errors to earn points Si elle savait la réponse, elle le dirait.
Comment dit-on: I would raise a paw against the idiots
Maximum of 1 error to earn points: Je lèverais une patte contre les crétins
En français: POUVOIR We can We could (passé composé) We used to be able to / could (imparfait) We could (conditionnel)
What is (All 4 correct for the points) Nous pouvons Nous avons pu (if you don't get PU but everything else, it's full credit) Nous pouvions Nous pourrions
Que veut dire (What does it mean) : Bien au chaud dans l'édredon
What is : Nice and warm in/under the quilt
I would never make you sad!
Je ne te rendrais jamais triste! (If your "te" is off, it's okay - but you have to get RENDRAIS correct for the points! Rendre!)
En francais: If I had to choose, I would want to be a human.
Verbs have to be correct! Max 2 other mistakes to earn points. Si je devais choisir, je voudrais être un humain.
Comment dit-on: She really holds a grudge, has something against Bill.
You have to have gotten the phrase correct, including conjugating Avoir correctly, to earn the points! Elle a une dent contre Bill.