What is the Russian for "to get a mortgage"?
взять ипотеку
What is the Russian for "playwright"?
What is the Russian for "have it tough"?
тяжело жить, быть тем, кому тяжело приходится в жизни
What is the Russian for "to have a lie-in"?
валяться в постели, отдыхать
What is the Russian for "to work conscientiously"?
работать усердно, добросовестно
резко пойти вниз (о графике)
больная тема
Are there any grammar mistakes in this sentence?
Hans is living in London while he's learning English.
No mistakes
Put the adjectives in brackets into a natural-sounding order:
I had some bread for breakfast. (brown, wholemeal, delicious)
I had some delicious, brown, wholemeal bread for breakfast.
Gerund or infinitive?
Try (phone) him at work - he might be there.
Try phoning him at work - he might be there.
Are there any grammar mistakes in the given sentence?
It must have been Simon. He looks very like Peter.
No mistakes
What is the English for "быть разочарованным"?
be gutted
What is the English for "снисходительный"?
What is the English for "наряжаться"?
to dress up
What is the English for "последняя надежда"?
a last resort
What is the English for "разозлиться на кого-то"?
to lose it with someone
What is the English for "яростно протестовать"?
to protest vehemently
What is the English for "начать действовать, встретиться с реальностью"?
wake up and smell the coffee
What is the English for "чемоданное настроение"?
(to get/ have) itchy feet