Critical thinking

In a chain argument “If I sleep in I will be late. If I am late I will be in trouble”. What would A = C look like?

               *If I get in trouble I will feel bad all day

               *If I sleep in I will be late.

               *If I am late I will be in trouble

               *If I sleep in I will be in trouble.

If I sleep in I will be in trouble.


Complete. It is crucial for researchers __ ethical guidelines when conducting experiments.


               *being followed by

               *to follow

               having followed

to follow


Complete. The new product seems to be a relative failure___ the results which had initially been predicted.

               *in comparison with

               *in comparison about

               *by comparison with

               *by comparison about

in comparison with


Choose the correct type of argument: All apples are sweet because every type of apple I've tasted, whether it's a Gala, Granny Smith, or Aport, has been sweet.

               *Co-existential arguments

               *Arguments of generalization

               *Dissociative arguments

               *Quasi-logical arguments

Arguments of generalization


Complete. She tackled the research problem __ meticulously __ her peers, ensuring every aspect was thoroughly examined.

               *so; as

               *as; as

               *not enough; to

               *so; that

as; as


Complete. The research team focused on assessing the impact of climate change on biodiversity ___its effects on ecosystem stability.

*as well as


*on the other hand


as well as


Identify additional elements of Toulmin's method for argument:

               *The backing, the qualifier, the rebuttal.

               *The backing, the qualifier, the evidence

               *The backing, the qualifier, the warrant

               *The backing, the evidence, the warrant

The backing, the qualifier, the rebuttal.


Indicate a parallel structure in the sentence: Neither ______________nor the ineffective air conditioner will deter Tiffany from loving the freedom of her first apartment.

               *when the inconsiderate neighbors played loud music

               *the neighbors playing loud music

               *play of loud music by the inconsiderate neighbors

               *when loud music was played by neighbors

the neighbors playing loud music


Complete. The ___ two countries is evident in their long history of diplomatic cooperation and trade.

*linkage together

*bond between

*association with

*obstacle to

bond between


Identify the type of argument: The endless line of cars crawling along the highway during rush hour is a clear indication that traffic congestion is a pressing issue in our city.

       *Co-existential arguments

       *Dissociative arguments

       *Quasi-logical arguments

       *Arguments from analogy

Co-existential arguments


Which sentence is clear and unambiguous?

               *Excited, the amusement park was entered by the children.

               *The children excited entered the amusement park.

               *Excited, the children entered the amusement park.

               *The children entered the amusement park excited.

Excited, the children entered the amusement park.


Which of the following means based on wrong information?







Identify the rebuttal of the claim “Universities should ban selling sugar containing drinks at the canteen.”

               *Banning sugary drinks from university campuses won’t prevent students from drinking them at home.

               *Banning sugary drinks would protect student health.

               *Unhealthy diet leads to health problems in adolescents.

               *Studies show a high correlation between sugary drinks and obesity rates.

Banning sugary drinks from university campuses won’t prevent students from drinking them at home.


Choose the sentence with a comparative clause.

*Individuals may be limited by their current knowledge and experience, as well as external influences such as social or economic factors.

*However, humans possess the ability to think outside the box and generate ideas based on intuition and personal experiences, which can result in innovation and progress.

*Both taking a vacation and to attend a workshop contribute to personal growth.

*In order to fully understand and compare the capabilities of AI and human creativity, it is important to acknowledge their differences and unique contributions.

Individuals may be limited by their current knowledge and experience, as well as external influences such as social or economic factors.


Complete. Despite the _____ offered by the government to encourage renewable energy adoption, the fossil fuel industry continues to _____ towards a sustainable future.

               *covert drawbacks; facilitate development

               *explicit incentives; disrupt progress

               *ambiguous punishments; impede advancement

               *evident encouragements; forster growth

explicit incentives; disrupt progress