The number of months in the year.
It is the first word you utter in the day.
This word means "To learn"
It is the opposite of "petit"
Je suis la fille de Madame Papinette.
I am the daughter of Mrs Papinette. OR I am Mrs Papinette's daughter.
The sum of 23 and 7
It is the title given to a man whom you respect or a someone whom you do not know.
The three endings that tell us how to conjugate a verb in the French language.
ER, IR and RE
These two words can be used to describe a slim individual.
Maigre and mince
Le chien est perdu.
The dog is lost.
Three times the number of eggs in a dozen.
It is the word used to bid farewell
Au revoir
The french equivalent for the word "to read/ read".
It is one way to congratulate someone!
Bravo/ Tres bien/ Felicitation/ Chapeau bas/Bon travail
Nous avons achete un gateau pour ma belle-soeur.
We bought a cake for my sister in law.
Read the following number...67
The friendly way to greet a friend, male or female
The full present tense conjugation for the verb "avoir"
J'ai, Tu as, Il/Elle a, Nous avons, Vous avez, Ils/Elles ont
The color you get when you mix red and yellow.
Les filles sommes allees au cinema avec leurs amis.
The girls went to the cinema with their friends.
It is the value of y in the equation 2+y=50
It is the last thing one says before bed.
Bonne nuit!
The main difference between these two (2) groups of verbs -
"nager, vendre, finir" and "aller, venir, prendre"
One group is made up of regular verbs ad the other is made up of irregular verbs.
The french for the following words- fat, hardworking, handsome, ugly and kind/nice
Gros(se), travailleur(se), beau, laid(e), sympa
Elle est nee en aout deux milles dix.
She was born in august 2010.