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Who wrote Romans?

The Apostle Paul


How did the Apostle Paul introduce himself?

Paul introduced himself as the servant of Jesus Christ and was called to be an Apostle.


What is the main theme of Romans chapter 1?

Gospel of God


According to Romans 1, what is the righteousness of God revealed through?

  • A) Works
  • B) Faith
  • C) The Law
  • D) The Prophets

Who does Paul say that the gospel was promised to?

  • A) The Apostles
  • B) The Kings of Israel
  • C) The Prophets
  • D) The Pharisees

How does Paul describe those who, knowing God’s decree, still practice things deserving of death?

  • A) Ignorant
  • B) Cowardly
  • C) Without excuse
  • D) Fearful

What does Paul mean when he calls himself a "servant of Christ Jesus" in verse 1?

By calling himself a servant, Paul expresses his total submission to Christ.


Who does Paul say the gospel is the power of God for salvation to?

  • A) Only the Jews
  • B) Only the Greeks
  • C) Everyone who believes
  • D) Only the righteous

According to Romans 1:4, how is Jesus declared to be the Son of God?

  • A) By His teachings
  • B) By His miracles
  • C) By His resurrection from the dead
  • D) By the voice from heaven at His baptism

What does Paul express as the reason he is eager to visit the believers in Rome?

  • A) To impose new laws
  • B) To collect donations
  • C) To impart some spiritual gift to make them strong
  • D) To resolve disputes

What does Paul mean when he says he is "not ashamed of the gospel"?

Paul means that he is confident in the power of the gospel to bring salvation to everyone who believes.


How does Paul describe the reasons why people are "without excuse" when it comes to knowing God?

People are "without excuse" because God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen and understood through creation.


Why does Paul say he is not ashamed of the gospel?

Paul is not ashamed because he knows the gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.


What does Paul say about the wrath of God and its revelation from heaven?

Paul says that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth through their wickedness.


In Romans 1, what is one of the main reasons people are considered "fools," according to Paul?

  • A) They lack knowledge
  • B) They fail to understand science
  • C) They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal beings
  • D) They do not follow traditions

What does Paul mean by "God gave them up" to their sinful desires, and how does this relate to His justice?

When Paul says "God gave them up" to their sinful desires, he means that God allowed people to follow their own sinful inclinations as a result of their persistent rejection of Him.


In Romans 1, what is the significance of the statement that people "suppress the truth"?

The statement that people "suppress the truth" signifies that, despite knowing the truth about God through His creation, people deliberately choose to reject and ignore it.


Describe the significance of the phrase "the righteous shall live by faith" in Romans

This phrase emphasizes that righteousness before God is not achieved through works or adherence to the law but through faith in Jesus Christ.


In Romans 1:21, Paul explains that although people knew God, they neither glorified Him nor gave thanks to Him. What was the result of this, according to Paul?

  • A) They became wise
  • B) They were blessed with wealth
  • C) Their thinking became futile and their hearts were darkened
  • D) They received knowledge of the truth

How does Paul describe his obligation to preach the gospel in Romans 1:14?

Paul describes his obligation to preach the gospel as a debt he owes to both Greeks and non-Greeks, to the wise and the foolish.


Explain the relationship between faith and righteousness as presented in Romans 1:17.

In Romans 1:17, Paul presents faith as the means through which righteousness is revealed and received. Righteousness is not earned by works or adherence to the law but is granted by God through faith in Jesus Christ.


How can the truths in this chapter influence the way we share the gospel with others?

Knowing that all people are in need of salvation and that the gospel is the power of God for that salvation should motivate us to share the gospel boldly, knowing that it is God’s solution to humanity’s greatest problem.


Romans 1:28–32 lists a series of vices and sins that characterize those whom God has given over to a debased mind. Which of the following is not mentioned in this list?

  • A) Envy
  • B) Slander
  • C) Pride
  • D) Covetousness