The American founding fathers were partially inspired by this philosophical movement which included John Locke's idea of Natural Rights and Montesquieu's idea of inherent civil liberties
These are the three estates of France: (don't tell me 1st, 2nd, and 3rd)
Napoleon became a popular (what) after defeating the British, Austrians, and other Europeans in battle until being forced to retreat from Egypt
General/Military Leader
Without this natural resource, you could not fuel the steam engines and the Industrial Revolution
Where is Mr. Lee from?
After the Battle of Saratoga (1777), this country was more than happy to help the Americans fight the British.
These estates paid no taxes in France despite having the most wealth
Clergy and Nobles
After the execution of Robespierre, this 5 man committee controlled France. They were corrupt and inefficient, so Napoleon seized power from them relatively easily
The Directory
This invention helped make clothes quickly
Spinning Jenny
What is Mr. Lee's favorite pro football team
New Orleans Saints
Life, Liberty, and Property was changed to Life, Liberty, and (blank) by the Americans
Pursuit of Happiness
High food prices were a problem for this estate that was locked out of the Estates-General Meeting by the nobles and clergy
Napoleon had spy networks to route out traitors across France. But he did also make new schools to promote Enlightenment philosophy and science, developed an efficient government bureaucratic system, and created this new uniform legal system to be implemented across France:
Napoleonic Code
These vehicles were powered by steam engines to transport large quantities of goods and people. Thus making goods more available and cheaper since.
What is Mr. Lee's favorite NBA team?
Boston Celtics
Finish the phrase: 'No taxation without..."
The Tennis Court Oath was made by the 3rd Estate to write a new constitution in which all citizens of France would be treated as equals under the law. But the start of the French Revolution is most associated with the storming of this prison in Paris
The Bastille
As Napoleon's armies conquered Kingdoms like Spain, Austria, what will eventually by Germany and Italy he installed his brothers to administer the conquered territories and spread French culture. This included an "ism" that would later lead to major changes in Italy and Germany
Mr. Lee is thinking of a number 1-10 in his head. What number is it
If you can't win the fight fair, fight dirty. Washington used this type of Warfare to fight the British.
Guerilla Warfare
If only the French Nobles listened to Wu Tang Clan. Then they would have known to Protect their Necks when the guillotine blades fell. The beheading of political prisoners by the order of the Committee of Public Safety is most associated with this "Great" time period in French history under the dictatorship of Maximilien Robespierre
Great Terror
The Russians really made a sick burn on Napoleon when his 600,000 man army marched into Russia and implemented this strategy to starve and drain the French. Ultimately leading to Napoleon's retreat and loss of over 500,000 soldiers
Scorched Earth
Overcrowding, disease, and pollution were all common in (blanks) during the Industrial Revolution
Mardi Gras