Scientific Revolution
French Revolution

This religious group felt challenged by the Scientific Revolutionary thought and findings.

What is the Catholic (Christian) Church?

This Revolution influenced Enlightenment thinkers to question traditional beliefs and teachings.

What is the Scientific Revolution?


Who was the king and queen of France throughout the beginnings of the Revolution?

Who was King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?


The "national razor" of France used to commit most executions throughout the French Revolution.

What was the guillotine?


Who was the name of the military leader that took control of France and named himself emperor?

Who was Napoleon?


This method is still used amongst scientists when performing experiments and proving theories.

What is the Scientific Method?


Another way to refer to the time period known as the Enilghtenment. 

What is the Age of Reason?


This Estate of France included the taxpaying, lower class citizens of France.

What was the Third Estate?


Term used to describe the religious leaders of the First Estate of France.

What is clergy?


The National Assembly Created this which outlined the role and job of the government. It was the government's set of rules.

What was the Constitution of 1791?


Copernicus challenged the church by creating the Heliocentric theory. This theory argued that what was the center of the universe?

What is the Sun?


This Enlightenment Thinker believed humans are born with certain basic natural rights that should be guaranteed to all. 

Who is John Locke?


The National Assembly worked to attack this in July in order to send the message that they were unhappy with the monarch's rule. 

What was the Bastille?


The idea and belief that the monarch is granted power from God.

What is divine right?


This document created by the National Assembly of France was similar to the Declaration of Independence in America and guaranteed basic rights to French Citizens.

What was the Declaration of Rights of Man?


This math was created during the Scientific Revolution and is still practiced today.

What is Calculus?


This Enlightenment Thinker believed that governments should be divided and share balanced power. 

Who is Montesquieu?


Who was the person that led the Committee of Public Safety and was in favor of using Terror to encourage people to support the new French Government?

Who was Robespierre ?


A term used to describe the basic rights humans have including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What are natural rights?


The name given to the period of France that could be described by lots of death of people that argued against Robespierre such as clergy and monarch supporters.

What was the Reign of Terror?


What did Galileo create to prove the Heliocentric Theory of Copernicus?

What is the telescope?


The theory supported by Rousseau and Hobbes that the people give government its power and it must protect the people,  if it does not, it can be replaced.

What is Social Contract?


France wanted to end this Form of Government that had ruled France for centuries.

What is Absolute  Monarchy?


When the military overruns and takes control of the government

What is a Coup/ Coup d'Etat?

This was the name given to the French government prior to Napoleon taking control of the government. 

What was the Directory?