Wild Card

What three areas of the Enlightenment was the French Revolution a direct product of?

What is philosophy/ theology, politics/government, and economics.

The Revolution began with the storming of the _________, which was the prison on July 14, 1789.
What is Bastille
How did Napoleon stage a coup d'état against the Directory to take over? a. he was a strong military leader b. the Directory was corrupt and incompetent c. he had the third estates support d. he was unable to take over successfully
What is b. the Directory was corrupt and incompetent

The National Assembly from 1789-1790 took two further actions which were to abolish the ________, and nationalize the _________ church. Economically is abolished the _________ system.

What is nobility/ Catholic/ guild


T/F: The guillotine was a very inhuman form of execution.

What is False-death was instant, which made it more humane than other forms of execution.


The French Revolution was influenced by the American Revolution because so many French officers during the American Revolution gained a taste for _______________.

What is liberty

What did poor women mob the Palace of Versailles in protest of?
What is the high cost of bread!

Who were the French nobles who left France during the Revolution called?

What is emgres


What was the name of the Third Stage of the French Revolution from 1794-1799? a. Thermidorian Reaction b. Haitian Revolution c. Reign of Terror d.Marching of the Bastille 

What is a. Thermidorian Reaction


Who was the leader that was the lawyer who was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution, and responsible for the Reign of Terror? a. Napoleon b. King Louis XVI c. Oliver Cromwell d. Robespierre

What is d. Robespierre (ironically he was killed by the guillotine)


The American Revolution also influenced the French in that many of the early French revolutionary leaders sought advice from _________  ___________, who was the US Ambassador to France in the early stages of the French Revolution.

What is Thomas Jefferson

Name the three estates in the Estates-General:
What is 1. nobility, 2. clergy, 3. "everyone else".

Which country did the National Assembly declare war on in April 1792, because it was threatening France?


B. Russia

C. Austria

D. Poland

What is C. Austria


During the first phase of the French Revolution, why did the third estate rebel?

What is it only had one vote when the clergy and nobility also only had one vote (three votes total).

How many people were deemed enemies of the Revolution during the Reign of Terror? a. 15,000 b. 16,000 c. 17,000 d. 20,000
What is c. 17,000

The American Revolution also influenced the French in that the British-American pamphleteer _________  ____________ was in France during the Revolution, and he wrote an influential work in support of the Revolution. 

What was Thomas Paine

T/F: The French Revolution was not as bloody, radical, or secular as the American Revolution.
What is False-the French Revolution was more bloody, secular, and radical than the American Revolution.

Where had Napoleon experienced substantial victories prior to his coup d'etat in France on teh Directory?

What is Italy.


What two actions did the Declaration of Rights of Man by the new National Assembly take?

What is 1. guaranteed equality for all French males, and 2. freedom of speech.


T/F: The second phase of the French Revolution was more radical than the first stage because the new legislature, known as the National Convention was in charge.

What is TRUE (although it still was divided into two camps-Girondists and the Mountain.


What was the name of the French military leader who both assisted the American in victory in the American Revolution, but also later saved Marie Antoinette from murder? a. Napoleon Bonaparte b. Montesquie c. Marquis de Lafayette d. Toussaint L'Overture 

What is c. Marquis de Lafayette 

Name the two groups of the National Convention in France that was divided on whether or not to kill King Louis XVI and what each group supported?
What is 1. Girondists-wanted to NOT kill the King. 2. Mountain (Robespierre-wanted to kill the King).

Why was Marie Antoinette arrested and convicted of treason charges in 1792?

What is she was an Austrian Hapsburg by birth so they accused her and Louis XVI of "aiding the enemy" (Austria). Thus, brought the monarchy to an end. 


What was the Oath of the Tennis Court?

What is the third estates plan to not disband until the two estates (nobility and clergy) and the king recognized them as the National Assembly. 


List the 6 specific causes of the French Revolution (page 11 in study guide): Try to memorize using a mnemonic 

What is 1. unpopularity of Louis XV (didn't like his mistress)2. unpopularity of Louis XVI (didn't like his wife either, but he was also seen as weak) 3. taxes needed to pay off 7 Years War upset the nobility 4. agricultural crisis 5. restlessness of the middle class (bourgeois) 6. long term resentment of the poor.