When did the Townshend Acts Begin
June 29th 1776
What was the impact from the colonist's point of view?
The're community had been divided into the patriots and loyalists.
How did the colonists react?
They started riotous protests that often involved the phrase "No tax without representation."
What colors the British Flag
Blue,Red, and White
When did the Townshend Acts end?
March 5th 1770
What was the impact from the British point of view?
They had power and the right to tax colonies as they wished.
How did the British react
The act's successor soon died after the act was proposed. Then Fredrick asked the British parliament to repeal the Townshend act except for tea.
What YouTube channel was our video from?
The History YouTube Channel
What wouldn't have happened if the Townshend never occurred?
The Boston massacre would have never happened.
How many pictures were there in the slideshow
What are the Townshend Acts in one sentence?
A series of acts that were against taxes
How many colored pictures were there?