Was the British King during the revolutionary era.
Who is King George III
Prominent member of Continental Congress helped frame the declaration of Independence help gain French support for American independence
Who is Benjamin Franklin
These acts were approved after the repeal of the stamp act. It taxed the colonists for lead, paint, glass tee and paper
What is the Townshend act
The first armed conflict of the revolutionary war
What is the battles at Lexington and Concord
Great Britain recognized American independence in this treaty
What is the signing of the treaty of Paris
British general who surrendered at Yorktown
Who is Lord Cornwallis
A French nobleman who served in the Continental army worked with the King of France and assisted colonists in the American revolution. Also contributed to the victory at Yorktown
Who is Marcus de Lafayette
Colonist in Boston were shot after taunting British soldiers. Also accounts of colonists throwing rocks, snowballs and using clubs
What is a Boston massacre
First major battle of the war. Colonists had the advantage but were defeated because they were outnumbered and ran out of ammunition
What is the Battle of Bunker Hill
The commander of the Continental army
Who is George Washington
Champion & promoted the cause of Independence
Who is John Adams
Enslaved African American who wrote poems and plays supporting American independence and who eventually gained her freedom.
Who is Phillis Wheatley
This app took the place of the Townshend act. And taxed tea imports and stated colonists could only purchase tea from Great Britain
What is the Tea Act
The colonies declared independence from Great Britain, July 4th 1776
What is the approval of the declaration of Independence
Major author of the declaration of Independence
Who is Thomas Jefferson
Outspoken member of the House of burgesses. Gave the speech, "Give me Liberty or give me death."
Who is Patrick Henry
Patriot who made a deering ride to warn colonists of British arrival
Who is Paul Revere
Samuel Adams and Paul Revere led Patriots in throwing tea into Boston harbor to protect tea taxes
What is a Boston tea party
This American victory was a turning point in the war and led to the French support for the Patriot cause
What is the Battle of Saratoga
Sources of colonial dissatisfaction
1) colonies had no representation in Parliament.
2) Great Britain wanted strict control over colonial legislatures.
3) The colonies opposed the British taxes.
4) The proclamation of 1763 restricted Western movement of settlers past the Appalachian mountains.
5) British troop stationed North America to prevent further conflict with indigenous people cause tension to grow between England and colonists.
Wrote the pamphlet common sense promoting American independence
Who is Thomas Paine
A spy for the Continental army served under Marquis de LaFayette
Who is James Lafayette
Delegates from all colonies except Georgia. Met to discuss problems with Great Britain and to promote Independence
What is the First Continental Congress
This was The colonial victory over forces led by Lord Cornwallis that marked the end of the revolutionary war
What is surrender at Yorktown
Colonial advantages
1) some kind of defense of their own land principle and beliefs.
2) additional support from France
3) Strong leadership