Comparing Revolutions
French Society
Early French Revolution
Reign of Terror

What was the main philosophical influence on the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Haitian Revolution?

Enlightenment ideas


What kind of government did France have before the Revolution?

  • Absolute monarchy or Old Regime


Why did nobles and monarchs in other European countries watch the French Revolution with alarm?

They were afraid of similar revolts in their own countries


Who were the Jacobins?

A radical political organization that gained power in 1792 and tried and convicted the king of treason and beheaded him


How did Napoleon seize power?

A coup d’etat; he surrounded the national legislature with soldiers and dissolved the directory


In which order were the French, Haitian, and American Revolutions?

1. American

2. French

3. Haitian


How were all French citizens grouped before the Revolution?

Into Three Estates or classes


What was the storming of the Bastille?

  • A mob stormed the Bastille prison looking for weapons

  • A symbolic act of revolution

  • French national holiday


Who was Robespierre?

A Jacobin leader who led the Committee of Public Safety and became a virtual dictator and ruled during the Reign of Terror


What is a plebiscite?

a vote of the people


Which revolution was the only successful slave revolt in history?

The Haitian Revolution


Who made up the First Estate in Pre-Revolutionary France and what percentage of the French were in this group?

  • Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church

  • Less than 1%


What did the National Assembly do that alarmed millions of French peasants and why did this turn them against the Assembly’s reforms?

  • Confiscating and selling Church lands

  • They were devout Catholics and believed that the pope should rule over a church independent of the state


What ended the Reign of Terror?

The national Convention turned on Robespierre and had him executed


What was Napoleon’s first title and to what did it refer?

  • First Consul

  • The Roman Republic


What was the main difference in the success of the Haitian Revolution and other historical slave revolts?



Who made up the Second Estate in Pre-Revolutionary France and what percentage of the French were in this group?

  • The Aristocracy (nobles)

  • About 2%


Name THREE rights proposed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?

  • Liberty

  • Resistance to Oppression

  • Property

  • Freedom of Speech

  • Security

  • Freedom of Religion

  • Equal Justice


Give THREE main causes of the French Revolution:

  • High taxes (or tithes)

  • Lack of social privileges of the 3rd estate

  • Lack of political power of the 3rd Estate

  • Enlightenment ideas

  • Success of the American Revolution

  • Low wages

  • Unemployment

  • Famine/hunger

  • Special treatment of the 1st and 2nd Estates

  • Weak Leadership


What happened at the Battle of Trafalgar?

  • destruction of French fleet

  • British defeated the French navy


What was the main difference between the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Haitian Revolution?

  • The American Revolution was primarily a call for POLITICAL change 

  • The French Revolution was a call for POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, and CULTURAL/RELIGIOUS CHANGE

  • The Haitian Revolution was primarily a call for POLITICAL change and an END TO SLAVERY


What percentage of French society was in the Third Estate in Pre-Revolutionary France, and which three groups made up the Third Estate?

  • About 97%

  • (1) The bourgeoisie or middle class

  • (2) The urban workers or urban poor

  • (3) Peasants or rural poor


What were the three groups in the Revolutionary Government, where did each group sit, and what did they want?

  • The Radicals sat on the left of the hall; they wanted a republic and sweeping changes

  • The Moderates sat in the center of the hall; they wanted some changes in government but not as much as the Radicals

  • The Conservatives sat on the right side of the hall; they wanted a limited constitutional monarchy and fewer changes in government than the other two groups


Name THREE of Robespierre’s changes to France:

  • Changed the calendar - months and days

  • No Sundays

  • Closed all the churches

  • Had a lot of people executed for treason against the Revolution


Name THREE of Napoleon’s reforms: 

  • Tax collection reforms

  • National banking system

  • Ended corruption in government

  • Set up government run public schools open to males of all backgrounds

  • Appointed officials based on merit rather than family connections

  • Concordat - agreement with Pope to restore Roman Catholic Church as independent of the state

  • Napoleonic Code - uniform laws 

  • Restricted freedom of speech and press

  • Restored slavery in colonies