People of the French Revolution
Latin America
French Athletes

The XVI-th king of this name was the last of the Bourbon dynasty that ruled France for over 300 years until the 18th century

Who is Louis (XVI)?


Father Miguel Hidalgo was a preacher and revolutionary leader of this country where he gave the speech "El Grito de Dolores" that sparked a fight against the colonizers from Spain

What is Mexico?


This machine was devised as a more humane execution device and was first used in France in 1792. Over 10,000 people lost their heads because of it during the Revolution, including the King and Queen of France.

What is the guillotine?



This French soccer superstar scored a hat trick (3 goals) in the World Cup Finals on Sunday, but it wasn't enough for France to repeat as World Cup champions

Who is Kylian Mbappe?


When told that the poor did not have enough bread to survive, it was rumored that Marie Antoinette said "Then, let them eat" this baked good. They didn't ask whether she meant a Fraisier or Gâteau Basque before they chopped off her head 

What is cake?


Former slave Toussaint L'Ouverture led a revolution in this 5-letter Caribbean nation that shares an island with the Dominican Republic

What is Haiti?


The slogan of the French Revolution was "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" which translates to these 3 words in English

What are liberty, equality, and brotherhood?


Rudy Gobert is nicknamed the "Eiffel Tower" and he plays this sport where his 7'1" height is an advantage

What is basketball?


This man was the leader of France during the Reign of Terror. He rose to power because he was a great orator (speaker) and he had strong moral principles. Those weren't enough to save him

Who is Maximilian Robespierre?


Jose de San Martin is considered a national hero for this large South American country that won the World Cup on Sunday thanks to its other national hero Lionel Messi

What is Argentina?


The French Revolution can be said to begin on July 14th, 1789 when the French people stormed this prison where the military was storing ammunition and weapons

What is the Bastille?



Christine Arron had a lot of success in the Olympics running the 4x100 meters, which is this type of race that requires multiple runners

What is a relay?


This man became the Emperor of France following the French Revolution. His reign would be dominant until his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1812. He kept his head, but he was exiled to St. Helena

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This man was given the fitting nickname "The Liberator" because he freed many people and countries throughout South America including his home country Venezuela and another that would later be named after him

Who is Simon Bolivar?


A succession of French kings spent billions of dollars to build this palace that has over 2,300 rooms, the most famous of which being the Hall of Mirrors

What is Versailles?


Rene Lacoste was a player of this sport, where he earned the nickname "Crocodile" that he would later use as the logo for his clothing brand that you might see WASPs wearing. The third estate made an oath on a court of this sport.

What is tennis?


This hard-to-pronounce middle class group was made up of educated people who had relatively little say in the government because they were a part of the third estate. They were very influential No penalty for mispronouncing it.

Who are the Bourgeoisie?



The 3 sections of the French society before the Revolution were known by this "e" word

What is estate?


A Frenchman hasn't won this race since Bernard Hinault in 1985. Lance Armstrong won this race 7 straight times before they were taken away because of doping.

What is the Tour de France?