Revolutionary People
Revolutionary Happenings
Revolutionary Ideas
Revolutionary Connections
Name that Song

Jiang Qing, fourth and final wife of this Chinese revolutionary, first rose to prominence as an actress, before later becoming politically involved - and executed for her role in the Cultural Revolution.

Who is Mao Zedong?


July 14th is the patriotic holiday in France, named after this prison-fortress complex which was raided and torn down by a mob at the beginning of the French Revolution.

What is the Bastille?


In 1791, Maximilien Robespierre wrote a lengthy essay explaining his opposition to this judicial method. M. Guillotin disagreed, as did Robespierre shortly after, and three years later he would have a more personal reason to go against it...

What is the death penalty/execution?


In a controversial move in 2021, the national Russian hockey team wore "throwback" jerseys based on those formerly worn by this country for a game against Team Finland.

What is the Soviet Union?



What is That's What I Like - Bruno Mars?


More of an anti-revolutionary person... this English political philosopher was a leading voice in favor of monarchy in the 17th century.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


The 17th century in Europe saw a bright period of new political philosophy, with thinkers like John Locke who questioned the traditional structure of European monarchy, and came to be known as this name.

What is the Enlightenment?


In the early 1790s, Jacobin revolutionaries in Paris declared that this was evil, and outlawed it. A little bit later, Napoleon would backtrack on that, making it legal once again. When Toussaint L'Ouverture became governor-general of Haiti, many were hopeful... but out of necessity in his mind, he brought this practice back as a temporary measure.

What is slavery?


This Chinese poster from 1953 shows Mao Zedong in front of a red flag with the leaders who set the ideological foundations for what he was now doing in China, all the way back to this man who first penned it, on the far right.

Who is Karl Marx?



What is Yellow - Coldplay?

Early in his career, this man had many foreign supporters, such as Beethoven, who composed a concerto in his honor, and the Spanish painter Francisco Goya. A few years later, Beethoven revoked the dedication of his composition, and Goya produced a series of paintings and drawings which made it clear he was no longer a fan...

Who is Napoleon?


Not aligned with either the Reds or the Whites, the Basmachi movement consisted of several Muslim groups in Central Asia capitalizing on this war to try to establish their own state.

What is the Russian Civil War?


While Lenin believed strongly in the Communist ideals of the Bolshevik party, the economic situation after the World War I and the Civil War led him to create a controversial group which became known as the "NEPmen" - drawing its name from the "New Economic Policy," who ran private businesses operating under this seemingly opposite economic system.

What is capitalism?


The rocket series developed and used by the Chinese space program is named Changzheng 1-12, or "Long March," after the costly but necessary retreat of over 6,000 miles in , which prevented the army of the Chinese Communist Party from being defeated by this opposing force.

What is the KMT (Kuomintang)?



What is Let's Get It Started - The Black Eyed Peas?


Charlotte Corday, celebrated by some and reviled by others, was one of many to be executed by guillotine, after she assassinated this journalist, who riled up revolutionaries with his radical newspaper - L'ami du Peuple

Who is Jean-Paul Marat?


Sailors convinced by Lenin's writings hijacked the battleship (or cruiser) Aurora, pictured below, and threatened the provisional government in this city, the capital of the Russian Empire, leading to the takeover of the Bolsheviks.

What is St. Petersburg?


François Duvalier, better known as Papa Doc, the cruel Haitian dictator of the 20th century, was outspoken about this religious movement being central to the national identity of Haiti. The revolution would support this, as it created a unifying point for enslaved people who had come from many different areas and cultures.

What is voodoo?


The ideals of the French Revolution were often used to challenge the later French government. We saw this in the Haitian Revolution, and in 1945, Ho Chi Minh, the Communist revolutionary leader of this country, then a colony, began his call for freedom from France with a quote from the American Declaration of Independence and from the French Declaration of Rights for Man and Citizen. The next several decades would show that both of those countries did not support the comparison.

What is Vietnam?



What is Once in a Lifetime - The Talking Heads?


In spite of having died more than 30 years before the first photograph was taken, many websites and social media posts claim that this picture shows this man, who started the Haitian Revolution by inspiring his followers to burn down plantations. Be careful what you find online.

Who is Dutty Boukman?


The French Revolution, starting in 1789, removed the King of France and started a republic... but the path of progress was not always clear - this man, the third of his name (the second had a short and disputed reign), was the first president, second emperor, and final monarch of France, until he was deposed by a Prussian invasion in 1870.

Who is Napoleon III?


Under Mao, the Chinese Communist Party encouraged young people to learn about Soviet history, such as the poster pictured here which encourages Chinese people to study this four-word theory discussed by Karl Marx and implemented by Vladimir Lenin.

What is the Dictatorship of the Proletariat?


"You say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world. You tell me that it's evolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world... But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out."

The first lyrics of the song "Revolution" by this band, could just as well be talking about any of the revolutions which we discussed in class.

What is The Beatles?



What is The Entertainer - Scott Joplin?