What is a Revolution?
Revolutionary Ideologies
Global Revolutions
Famous revolutionary leaders
Key Revolutionary Events

What is a revolution?

a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system


What is the French Revolution?

The Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity were central to this 18th-century revolution.


What was the Iranian revolution?

The Islamic Revolution (Iranian Revolution)took place in 1979 through which Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown under the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s leadership and replaced with an Islamic Republic. This was marked by massive demonstrations, boycotts and nonviolent struggles against Shah’s administration’s system because it was felt to be oppressive, syphilitic and too much influenced by superpowers like America.


Who is Vladimir Lenin?

Vladimir Lenin led the Russian Revolution in 1917.


What was the Storming of the Bastille?

This event on July 14, 1789, marked the start of the French Revolution.


Name 3 different kinds of Revolution

The French revolution

The October Revolution

Revolutions of 1848 in the German states 

American Revolution


What is communism

Communism is a political and economic ideology advocating for a classless society in which all property and resources are collectively owned, eliminating private ownership. It aims to abolish capitalist structures, with wealth and power distributed based on need rather than market forces, typically through the governance of a single party.


What was the outcome of the Russian Revolution in 1917?

The overthrow of the Tsarist autocracy, leading to the establishment of a communist government under the Bolsheviks and the creation of the Soviet Union.


Who is Mahatma Ghandi?

He was the primary leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule, known for his nonviolent approach


What is the Arab Spring?

This series of anti-government protests and uprisings in 2011-2012 across the Arab world is collectively known as the Arab Spring.

Why was the American revolution so special?

The American Revolution was special because it marked the first successful attempt by a colony to gain independence from a European power, setting a precedent for future independence movements worldwide


What is Anarchism?

This ideology advocates for the abolition of government and the establishment of a stateless society 


When did the Cuban revolution happen?



Who is Mustafa Kemal Ataturk?

This revolutionary leader became the first President of the Republic of Turkey in 1923.


Who is Fulgencio Batista?

The overthrow of this dictator in 1959 marked the success of the Cuban Revolution.


What are the defining characteristics of Revolutions?

Name 5

  • Rapid and Fundamental Change: Revolutions bring about swift and profound transformations in political, social, or economic structures. These changes are often comprehensive, affecting many aspects of society.

  • Mass Mobilization: A significant number of people are mobilized, participating in demonstrations, protests, strikes, or other forms of collective action. This mass involvement is crucial for the success of a revolution.

  • Ideological Motivation: Revolutions are often driven by a strong ideological component. Participants typically share a vision of a better society, often articulated through revolutionary rhetoric or propaganda.

  • Leadership and Organization: Effective leadership and organizational structures are essential for coordinating activities and maintaining momentum. Revolutionary movements often have charismatic leaders and well-defined organizational hierarchies.

  • Conflict and Violence: Many revolutions involve a degree of conflict and violence, ranging from street clashes to full-scale civil wars. This violence is often a result of the ruling regime's resistance to change.

  • Aims at Overthrowing Existing Regime: The primary objective of a revolution is usually to overthrow the existing government or ruling class. This often involves dismantling existing institutions and replacing them with new ones.

  • Popular Support: Successful revolutions typically garner widespread support from various segments of society, including workers, peasants, intellectuals, and sometimes even elements of the military.

  • Economic Discontent: Economic hardship, inequality, and crises often provide a fertile ground for revolutionary sentiments. Economic grievances can mobilize people who are suffering from unemployment, poverty, or inflation.

  • Catalytic Events: Revolutions are often sparked by specific events that act as catalysts, such as political assassinations, economic collapses, or symbolic acts of resistance.

  • Long-term Impact: The changes brought about by revolutions often have long-lasting impacts, reshaping political systems, social norms, and economic practices for years or even decades.


What is Liberalism

This ideology, emphasizing individual freedom and limited government, was a key influence on the American Revolution.


What was the outcome of the November revolution in Germany in 1918?

Establishment of the Weimar Republic: A provisional government was formed, and on November 9, 1918, Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed Germany a republic from the balcony of the Reichstag building in Berlin. This marked the beginning of the Weimar Republic, Germany's first experiment with democracy.


Who is Simón Bolívar?

This South American liberator is known as 'El Libertador' and played a key role in the independence of several Latin American countries 


describe the major events and outcomes of the industrial revolution. How did it the change the way people lived and worked in the 19th Century?

The onset of the Industrial Revolution was characterized by the introduction of machinery such as the steam engine and power loom in the late 18th century, which had a transformative impact on production as it heralded the emergence of factories. This movement resulted in large-scale urbanization as folks moved from rural areas into urban settings where they could find work within these factories under unfavorable conditions. As such, there were large numbers of people who moved from countryside to town in search pro-employment opportunities within industrial set ups and often lived under appalling surroundings. With such an upsurge in numbers, there came increased rates of economic development leading to formation various levels within social status while pushing forward technology breakthroughs.The revolution also spurred global trade and colonialism, profoundly altering global economic and social landscapes.


How are revolutions different than coups?

Revolutions involve mass mobilization and aim for comprehensive societal transformation, often driven by widespread ideological motivations and popular support. In contrast, coups are typically carried out by a small group, usually military or political elites, aiming to quickly seize power without broad societal change. While revolutions often involve large-scale participation and prolonged conflict, coups tend to be swift and focused on changing leadership rather than the entire system.


What is Marxism?

This political philosophy, advocating for the rule of the working class, influenced the Russian Revolution.


What was the most impactful revolution?

The Russian revolution of 1917.


Who was Ho Chi Minh?

Leader of the Vietnamese Communist Revolution.


What was the significance of the Boston Tea Party in the American Revolution?

The Boston Tea Party, held in 1773, was a protest against British taxation policies on tea and symbolized colonial resistance to British authority. It heightened tensions between the American colonies and Britain, leading to further acts of defiance and eventually contributing to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.