My sister had a compl__nt about how loud my music system was.
What is ai?
To limit
What is curtail/restrict?
What is random?
The _________________ proceeded to board the spaceship.
What is astronaut?
3 R-controlled Sounds
What is er, ir, ur?
Do you ___fer to take the needle shot now or after the doctor sees you?
What is pre?
To forbid
Close, nearby
What is beyond?
He wears a long red robe and a tightly tied red _______________.
What is a turban?
2 ways of spelling this:
What is ou, ow?
This is so abs__d! It doesn't make sense if we cannot bring a schoolbag into school.
What is ur?
What is defraud?
Be loyal to
What is betray?
They are studying behavior _______________ among high-school students.
2 ways of making this sound:
What is au, aw?
We ____hibit you from climbing the walls in the school.
What is pro?
City Section
What is a district?
Calm, quiet
What is disturb?
We went to ______________ our luggage after deplaning.
What is reclaim?
4 ways of spelling A
What is a-e, ai, ay, ea?
Only adults can drive ____tomobiles.
What is au?
To add
What is auto?
Can someone out there _____________ that this is true?
What is confirm?
5 ways of spelling E
What is e-e, ee, ea, e, y?