Policies & Procedures
Infection Control
Administrative + Communication

Process for Refill Medication

What is make sure patient is active and seen within the last 6 months and follow refill medication protocol 


Rocephin injection process

Verify order in eCW, 1 needle draw lidocaine, 1 needle push lidocaine in Rocephin, 1 need to draw up, 1 needle to give injection to patient


Explain donning/doffing process for PPE

Don: wash hands, mask, gown, gloves

Doff: Gloves & gown, wash hands, unmask


Company's policies and procedures are found where

What is WellConnect/Sharepoint, Enterprise Clinical Operations, Policies and Procedures


True or False

Specimen containers should be labeled when the patient exits the lab

What is False


How should a patient be approached at the start of a visit?

What is: Good morning/afternoon, my name is _______ and I will be assisting with your care today. Can you please confirm your name and date of birth for me?


Medication errors and adverse medication reactions reporting process

Notify provider and clinic supervisor, be able to explain process including a written report in RLDatix


A pt. presents to clinic with complaints of diarrhea of unknown etiology x 4 days. After vitals are taken, pt. requests to use restroom, MA notes presence of liquid stool on exam table/chair. Can you identify what transmission based precaution to be used, what PPE to wear, and room cleaning/turnover considerations?

Use Contact precautions (possible c-diff), place contact sign on door, and use appropriate PPE (Gown, gloves) clean room with Bleach Cavi Wipes


Administrators role in PHSA

What is having the competency binder up to date (per calendar year), Color Blind Test for every clinical employee, latest Medical Emergency Drill available for review, SDOs up to date


What are acceptable forms to order for labs/test/etc.

What is a Clinician order documented in eCW


Lab order from Specialist


When is a "Time Out" needed?

-Before beginning procedures, ensure correct patient, correct site and correct procedure
-Marking (if procedure requires)

-Document time out 


What do you use to clean the rubber septum of a medication vial prior to needle insertion?



Demonstrate proper surface disinfection process & what is the wet/kill time for each product?

Use adequate PPE, a new wipe for each surface and monitor wet time (kill time).  If you notice that wet time is not achieved for any reason, re-clean & use a few more wipes to ensure the surface stays wet for the amount of time required to kill surface pathogens. Plop a wipe on every surface prior to cleaning. Each chair needs its own wipe, wipe down door knobs as well

Know kill times (wet times) for each product in use like Caviwipe 1s, Caviwipe Bleach, Caviwipe HP


Ideal Lobby Wait Time

What is less than 15 minutes


What do you do in case of a failed QC or unexpected patient test result for each waived test in use at the practice?

Must be able to explain that you will follow our process (SOP) and manufacturer’s written guidance for failed QC until passed or discontinue use of test and call manufacturer’s technical support representative if QC continues to fail.


Where are drinks/food allowed in the clinic?

Break room/offices/conference room/closed drink containers allowed in work stations except for Lab


Do staff administer patient specific medication?

Yes.  Some pharmacies require that medications are sent to and administered by a healthcare provider.  Patients may bring in single doses to be administered in our clinics (must be on the medication exception form).  If patients want to bring in multi-dose vials, please contact your MNL to assist with identifying other options or applying for an Optum exception (Multi-dose meds aren’t allowed to be administered).  


Clean and sterile supplies stored appropriately

What is sterile above clean, clean above liquids 


Explain organization’s event-reporting (Incident-reporting) process such as fall, med error, near miss, etc.

Event reporting is the same as incident reporting. Report to supervisor document on RLDatix & follows up on action if needed.


What is required in the chain of custody log

What is the date the specimen was sent, test ordered, the ordering provider, 2 patient identifiers, courier signature, date of results


Process to verify expiration date for syringe

What is if not on the package of the syringe, call manufacturer and ask for expiration date 


6 Patient Rights

What is

1. Right Patient

2. Right Medication

3. Right Dose

4. Right Route

5. Right Time

6. Right Documentation


Hand Hygiene process with soap and water as well as rubbing alcohol and when is it performed?

A1:  Handwashing using soap and water is about a minute that includes at least 20 seconds of scrubbing hands.

A2:  Alcohol hand rub is about 20-30 seconds of rubbing hands together.

D: Demonstrate and explain hand-hygiene process using either process.

A:  Before patient contact, before aseptic tasks, after ungloving, following body fluid exposure, following patient contact, following contact with the patient environment.  Must be able to demonstrate hand hygiene process.


Do staff know how and when to report cases of possible abuse and neglect to external agencies?

Explain process of identifying cases of possible abuse and notify provider. Provider or nurse will report to APS.


What do you do when a med fridge thermometer is out of range?

Document temperature excursion, run 60-day Senso report to identify temp ranges and any excursions, call manufacturer for items in the fridge and notify manager