What is Route Recon?
What is Delivery Recovery Support (case)?
Items ship from the DC to?
The Market
Requesting dates not provided in RH scheduling widget or client is requesting a specific date.
Delivery Date Request email
Consist of 4 or more men
Two Team Meet
What is Distribution Center?
Number of markets we service.
What is 36?
A client who spends >100k
What is a Designer Client
What type of email to send if the client calls in and ask to change the date on a scheduled delivery?
Reschedule email
Name 3 of our distribution centers
98-Baltimore, 95-San Fransico, 97-LA
What is Market?
What Is the Spin Off Button In RHOM?
To spin off items and create own checklist.
If items are at the HDC (pick ready)
If items are on the truck (loaded)
If the items have been shipped (transit)
If the delivery was unable to complete (in rescheduling)
If the items are ready to load the truck (staged)
What request is needed if the item is damaged or missing components?
What request is needed if items need to be assembled, packaging removed or items setup?
Service Stop
What type of email do you send to the market for a routed client asking for a specific window?
Time Window Request
Checklist you can mark it RTBS
Route recon or Return/Exchange
What is A Certificate of Insurance?
When to request a COI?
If the address shows APTs, SUITE# or UNIT#.
Which status reflects the items would have to be scheduled to ship out?
Distro - to - DC
Andy's nightstand was damaged upon delivery, requested exchange and ask for item to be inspected before delivery. Which email to send?
Inspection Request
Name the 5 markets we DO NOT service?
49 - Hawaii
20 - Miami Cartage
33 - Montreal
48 - Alaska
35 - Toronto
What is the proper steps to reschedule?
-Dispatch Track
edit, hold, delete date, save
edit, ready to schedule, save
delete date
What Quality points must be said on every call?
What is :
- Opening
- Call Recording Disclaimer
- Address verification
- Phone # / Email Verification
- Item Verification
- Location Questions
- Physical signature
- First Offer Date Verbiage
- Time Window Verbiage
- Closing
Items are in the incorrect market
Redirect Email
What system is used to check the client's entire order?
Sales Force