What are the three reasons our dining hall is named 64 Degrees?
UCSD was founded in 1964, Roger Revelle was 6’4, and the average temperature of the water in La Jolla is 64 degrees
Frequently found in the chat rooms of massively multiplayer online games, what does the acronym “AFK” stand for?
Away from keyboard
Let me see what you have!
A knife!
What large fruit that is made up of 70 percent water?
How many letters are in the Greek alphabet?
24 Letters
What does RHA stand for?
Revelle Hall Association
What was the first video game developed by Atari that featured a two dimensional tennis-like game?
Look at all those ______.
Which popular TV show has a yellow chubby electric mouse as its mascot?
How fast does a sneeze travel from your mouth?
100 mph
When and where does RHA meet for GBM?
Mondays from 8-9 pm in the Revelle Formal Lounge
What violent and controversial game had a marketing and development budget of $265 million, making it the most expensive game ever made? (without inflation into consideration)
Grand Theft Auto 5
Hurricane Katrina? More like ______
Hurricane Tortilla
Which song by Major Lazer and Dj snake came out in 2015?
Lean On
On average, how many acres of pizza does the average American population eat a day?
18 acres
What is our college’s symbol?
Desmond Miles is a major character from which stealth-based video game series?
Assassin's Creed
They after me Ma! They after me! WHO?!
The bugs
Who was the 42nd president of the USA?
Bill Clinton
What is a pregnant goldfish called?
A twit
What are all the names of the fleet buildings?
Atlantis, Beagle, Challenge, Discovery and Meteor
How many different shapes of blocks are there in the game Tetris?
Who's the hottest Uber driver you've ever had?
I've never been to Oovoo Javer
What is the middle eastern country whose capital is Beirut?
What breed of dog has the longest ears? The current record is 13 inches
Basset Hound