Who is Sullivan Ross?
If something is broken in your room, this is what you fill out
What is a maintenance request form?
Many people hike to this attraction atop Hancock Hill
This is the Sul Ross mascot
What is a Sully Lobo?
What is Division 3?
You're locked out of your room after hours, this is the person you call
Who is RA on call?
This is the name of the observatory in Fort Davis
What is the McDonald Observatory?
What is Morgan University Center (UC)?
What are Scarlet (red) & grey?
There are this many different types of housing at Sul Ross
What is 4?
This attraction is on campus
What is The Museum of The Big Bend?
What is Student Support Services?
This is the President of Sul Ross
Who is Pete P. Gallego?
This is how many current RA's there are
What is 14?
This art installation is located in Valentine
What is Prada Marfa?
This is where you can print for free in color
What is the 2nd floor of the library?
Sul Ross State University was originally founded in this year
What is 1917?
The current director of Residential Living at Sul Ross is
Who is Gage Dowling?
This attraction was torn down this year and was located right outside of Marathon
What is the world's smallest target?
This is the field baseball plays on
What is Kokernot Field?