Who am I?
Semiotics & Structuralism
Marxist Jargon

"“All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing: war. War, and only war, makes it possible to set a goal for mass movements on the largest scale while preserving traditional property relations.”

Who is Benjamin?


This term refers to the study of signs and their meanings in society.

What is semiotics?


Adorno and Horkheimer argued that this term, indexing a form and political practice of art, exemplified by Schoenberg’s atonal music, resists conformity to the culture industry thereby enabling self-realization.

What is autonomous art?


This class formation hold hereditary titles and privileges, typically inheriting their wealth and power from land ownership.

What is the aristocracy? 


 “A commodity is therefore a mysterious thing simply because in it the social character of men’s labor appears to them as an objective character.”

Who is Marx?


These terms describes the two components of a sign: the sound-image and the concept.

What are the signifier and signified?


This legal protection grants creators exclusive rights to their original works, balancing the need to incentivize artistic expression with the public's ability to use and build upon those works; it is a type of intellectual property law. 

What is copyright?


This term describes the practical utility of a commodity, such as a coat’s ability to keep you warm or a table’s ability to hold objects.

What is use value?


“Language is not a sound medium to express thought: rather it mediates between thought and sound.”

Who is Saussure?


This term refers to the idea that signifiers have no natural or inherent connection to signifieds.

What is the arbitrarity (or arbitrariness) of the sign?


This Act is considered the first legislation to address trademark issues in the UK, criminalizing copying another merchant's mark for personal gain; it essentially establishes the legal framework for protecting trademarks in the United Kingdom by making trademark infringement a punishable act. 

What is the 1862 Merchandise Marks Act?


This term refers to the working class, "free" to only sell their labor power as a commodity on the market.

What is the proletariat?


“Consumer society is a system of communication and exchange as a code of signs continually being sent, received, and reinvented as language.”

Who is Baudrillard!


This theorist argued that in consumer society, signs no longer refer to anything real but only to other signs, creating a system of "floating signifiers."

Who is Mr. Jean Baudrillard?

B argued that this quality of art, rooted in its unique existence in time and space, is lost in the age of mechanical reproduction.

What is aura?


This term refers to the value of a given commodity in relation to other commodities in a capitalist marketplace, such as how many coats a carpenter might trade for a table, which is then mediated through the equivalent form of money.

What is exchange value?


“The principle of utility judges any action to be right by the tendency it has to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question.”

Who is Bentham?


Saussure argued that this principle of language ensures that signs are not only arbitrary but also that individuals cannot unilaterally change them once they are established within a linguistic community.

What is immutability?


This term describes the range of trademark legal preference, ranging from generic (least protectable) to fanciful (most protectable).

What is the spectrum of distinctiveness?


This novel is elaborately cited by Marx as an example of how political economist naturalize the practices of an emergent bourgeoisie; the titular character is shipwrecked on a deserted island, yet conveniently “saved a watch, ledger, ink and pen from the shipwreck,” and immediately began, “like a good Englishman, to keep a set of books” (169– 70).  

What is Robinson Crusoe?