What is the rhetorical device for repetition at the beginning of the sentence, clause, or line?
Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.
Repetition of ideas in inverted order: Chiasmus
Providing examples or instances to support a claim or argument. It helps to make abstract ideas more concrete and relatable.
Difference between metonymy and synecdoche?
Metonymy uses something related, rather than something from the topic itself
Purpose of Parallelism?
balance, rhythm and clarity to writing
Repetition at the end of the sentence, phrase, line, or clause
Isn't this incredible?
Rhetorical Question, to create an impact rather than search for a real answer
Repeating an expression while adding more detail to it, in order to emphasize something that would otherwise be passed over.
Amplification “This is important—so important that it could change the entire course of the discussion.”
Antithesis vs Juxtaposition? (antithesis)
contrasts two opposing concepts or images using a balanced structure.
Purpose of anecdote
To communicate a certain trait or point the author wishes to emphasize
It's raining cats and dogs
A phrase with a figurative/non-literal meaning rather than a literal meaning, Idiom
Quick story about something of interest, usually with a singular theme or lesson
Antithesis vs Juxtaposition? (juxtaposition)
juxtaposition uses any sort of difference
Purpose of Juxtaposition
Emphasize themes and symbolism
Repetition of conjunctions in close succession to slow readers down in taking in information
Casual and informal communication, colloquialism
A more agreeable or less offensive substitute for generally unpleasant words or concepts
contradictory statement or scenario that challenges conventional thinking
Purpose of paradox
Provoke new persepective
Omission of conjunctions to coordinate words and clauses
Don't judge a book by its cover.
aphorism, a short phrase that expresses an important truth about life
Involves replacing a specific part of something with the whole
two or more words or phrases in sentences that are the same grammatically, as well as in meaning
Purpose of anaphora
To create impact