"Everyone is jumping off of the cliff, it must be safe."
Appeal to Common Practice
"He was mean to me, so I'm going to steal his bike."
Two Wrongs Making a Right
"I totally am an astronaut, so you should listen to whatever I say about the future of the space program."
"Have I told you that you look really good today? By the way, can I borrow 5 dollars?"
Appeal to Flattery
"I think that the Earth is flat, prove me wrong."
Burden of Proof
"Nobody has proven that aliens exist, so there are no aliens."
Appeal to Ignorance
"Those teenagers that robbed that old lade played video games. Video games must make all teenagers violent."
"The employee got caught stealing the money. But the boss has done way worse things!"
Red Herring
"Faith in God is the same as believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy."
Appeal to Ridicule
"Did you see who she hangs out with? She must have stolen his wallet."
Guilt by Association
"This Fuji water is way more expensive than the Aquafina, so it must be way better."
Appeal to Money
"People that support privacy laws only support them because they have something to hide."
Circular Logic
Slippery Slope
"If we give the criminal parole, he's just going to do something worse when he gets out."
Appeal to Fear
"You're saying that we should not have open borders, you must be racist."
Ad Hominem
"Everyone knows that stretching is good before a workout."
Appeal to Common Belief
"If you buckle up, you won't get hurt in a car accident and if you don't buckle up, you will get hurt in a car accident. Always. No matter what."
"He yelled at you because of mind control!"
"I hate those Hollywood-types. You can't believe a word that they say."
Appeal to Spite
"Of course he's going to say that, just look at him!"
Genetic Fallacy
"The doctor said it is true, so it must be true, because he's a doctor."
Appeal to Authority
"The roads were payed for with tax dollars, so that's the reason why taxes exist."
Affirming the Consequent
"I know in my heart of hearts that we he did is terrible, so that makes him guilty because my feelings are so strong about it."
Misleading Vividness
"Well...the criminal is old now and dying. It's wrong to make him go to prison."
Appeal to Pity
"Did you see that self-driven car that crashed last week? Self-driving cars are not safe."
Straw Man