Rhetorical Situation
Rhetorical Elements
Reading Strategies
Technical Writing

A form of literary expression that uses rhythm, imagery, and emotional language to evoke feelings and ideas.

What is poetry?


The person or entity delivering the message. The speaker’s background, authority, and relationship with the audience all influence how the message is perceived.

Who is the speaker/author?


The author's attitude toward the subject and audience, which can range from formal and serious to informal and conversational.

What is tone?


The practice of collaboratively commenting on, highlighting, or tagging digital texts or media within an online platform. This interactive process allows users to share insights, pose questions, and engage in discussions about the content.

What is social annotation?


The act of restating information or ideas from a source in your own words while retaining the original meaning.

What is paraphrasing?


A critical evaluation of a book that summarizes its content, analyzes its themes and arguments, and assesses its contribution to the field.

What is a book review?


It refers to the actual content or communication being delivered by the speaker or writer. It can take various forms, including written words, spoken language, visual elements, or multimedia presentations.

What is the text?


The organization of the text, including how it is divided into sections, paragraphs, or acts. Each genre has typical structural elements (e.g., introduction, body, conclusion in essays; acts and scenes in plays) that guide the reader through the content.

What is structure?


The strategy of skimming over a text before reading it in detail.

What is previewing?


The practice of directly using the exact words from a source, usually with quotation marks to indicate the borrowed text.

What is quoting?


A formal document that summarizes an individual's professional qualifications, skills, work experience, education, and relevant achievements.

What is a resume?


The intended recipients of the message. The audience's values, knowledge, and expectations influence how the message is crafted.

What is audience?

The unique way in which the author expresses ideas, including word choice, sentence structure, and figurative language.

What is style?


A reading strategy that involves identifying and organizing the main ideas and supporting details of a text into a structured format.

What is outlining?


The process of briefly restating the main ideas or key points of a text in your own words, while omitting unnecessary details and maintaining the original meaning.

What is summarizing?


A literary genre that involves the creation of imaginary events, characters, and settings. Fiction encompasses various forms, such as novels, short stories, and novellas, and often explores themes and ideas through narrative storytelling.

What is fiction?


The speaker or writer's goal in delivering the message, such as to inform, persuade, entertain, or motivate the audience.

What is purpose?


The specific goal or intention behind the text, such as to inform, persuade, entertain, or express.

What is the purpose?


This reading strategy involves using clues from the text and prior knowledge to anticipate what the text is about.

What is predicting?


The process of taking notes, underlining important information, and marking passages of a text that strike you as important”

What is annotating?


A detailed document that presents original research findings, analyses existing literature, and discusses methodologies, results, and implications.

What is a research paper?


The issue, problem, or situation that prompts someone to speak or write. It is the reason the communication is taking place.

What is exigence?


The established norms and expectations specific to a genre, such as formatting, citation styles, and content organization.

What are genre conventions?


Involves actively engaging with the text by reflecting on and reacting to the material as you read. This strategy encourages readers to interact with the text, express their thoughts, ask questions, and connect personally with what they're reading.

What is responding?


A process used in academic and professional contexts where experts in a particular field evaluate and critique a colleague's work, such as research papers, articles, or proposals, before publication or presentation.

What is peer review?