Domain 1
Domain 2
Domain 3
Domain 4
Domain 5

Records that are not completed within designated timeframe

What is Delinquent Records?

The process of releasing health record documentation originally created by a different provider

What is Re-disclosure?

The most Common Data Model to Illustrate Relational Database

What is Entity-Relationship Diagram? 

The term for the practice of using multiple codes to bill for the various individual steps in a single procedure rather than using a single code that includes all of the steps of the comprehensive procedure

What is unbundling?

A detailed statement that outlines and describes all work necessary to complete a project

What is scope?

The amount of days must a discharge summary completed within

What is 30 days?

They are responsible for the oversight and enforcement of the HIPAA regulations 

What is Office of Civil Rights?

Technology that electronically stores, manages, and distributes documents that are generated in a digital format and whose output data are report-formatted is called 

What is Computer output laser disk (COLD) technology? 


The name of the designated individual who monitors the compliance process at a healthcare facility

What is Compliance Officer?

 A managerial skill categories that includes intellectual tasks and abilities such as planning, deciding, and problem solving

What is conceptual skills?

The name of the report that should be written or dictated immediately after surgery and filed in the patient's health record as soon as possible

What is Operative Report?

Destroying a record outside of destruction standards and regulations is called 

What is spoilation?

A set of computer language standards for the exchange, management and integration of electronic health information.

What is HL7?

The name of the a governmental program whose goal is to identify improper payments made on claims of healthcare services provided to Medicare beneficiaries. Improper payments may be overpayments or underpayments

Who is RAC? (Recovery Audit Contractor)

A statement expressing the change in retained earnings from the beginning of the balance sheet period to the end

What is statement of retained earnings?

A descriptive list of the names, definitions, and attributes of data elements to be collected in an information system or database whose purpose is to standardize definitions and ensure consistent use?

What is a Data dictionary?

The number of years for HIPAA Record Retention

What is 6 years?

A centralized database that capture, sorts, and processes patient data and then sends it back to the user

What is clinical data repository?

The term for the practice of assigning more codes than needed to describe a patient's condition. 

What is overcoding?

An individual within the company who has an interest in, or is affected by, the results of a project

What is stakeholder?

A core set of data elements adopted by the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1974 that are collected by hospitals on all discharges and all discharge abstract systems?

What is UHDDS?

The name of a  security mechanism used to grant users of a system access based upon the ROLES of individual users in an organization

What is Role-based access control?

The name of a listing in diagnosis code number order for patients discharged from the facility during a particular time period. 

What is disease index?

A healthcare payment method in which providers receive one lump sum for all the services they provide related to a condition or disease.

What is episode-of-care reimbursement?

A managerial skill categories that includes skills in communicating and relating effectively to others

What is interpersonal skills?