The Social Studies
Historic Literature
Flags of the World
Unique Countries
Movies Explained Badly

This social science covers different societies and their structures.

What is Sociology?


This 1597 romantic play is among Shakespeare's first and most popular work.

What is "Romeo and Juliet"?


This Scandinavian Country is known for its iconic chain of furniture stores.

What is Sweden?


This former British colony's military lost a war to Emus in the 1930s.

What is Australia?


In this infamous DCU Movie, two orphans fight in the rain, then stop when they talk about their moms. 

What is "Batman V Superman"? 


This social study covers the rights and obligations of citizens.

What is Civics?


This George Orwell classic is known for its bleak dystopian setting and criticism of surveillance. 

What is "1984"?


This Ivory Coast country is the most populated on the continent, and has the largest city in Africa, with Lagos. 

What is Nigeria?


This country is known for its enigmatic dictator and having the lowest amount of light pollution of any country. 

What is North Korea?


In this holiday classic, a deadbeat dad denies the parentage of his sweet-toothed son and learns the true meaning of Christmas.

What is "Elf"? 


This social science refers to the study of human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture.

What is Archeology?


This 3 part biblical epic was written by Dante Alighieri and is known for its dramatic depiction of hell, purgatory and heaven respectively.

What is the "Divine Comedy" (Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso)?


This Central Asian -Stan country is the largest landlocked country and was the last country to declare independence from the Soviet Union.

What is Kazakhstan?


After the collapse of this country, an astronaut was left in space, and was left stateless for 311 days. 

What is the USSR?


In this sci-fi blockbuster, an 'orphan' hangs out with a magic frog and things go out of hand after not wanting to inherit the family business. 

What is "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back"


This social science is the systematic study of humanity, and overlaps with biology, linguistics and cultural studies.

What is Anthropology?


This novel written by Upton Sinclair, details corruption within corporations and governments.

What is "The Jungle"?


This South American country, has no official flag as it is still loyal to its colonial ruler. It's considered an overseas department of its mother country.

What is French Guiana?


This small "mountain kingdom" is enclaved within South Africa. Its primary ethnic group is the Basotho, who make up 99.7% of the population. 

What is Lesotho?


In this 2010's dystopian trilogy, teens learn to not hate the players but to hate the game.

What is the "Hunger Games"?


This social study is greatly understated and is the study of historical writing.

What is Historiography?


This Renaissance "How-To" book detailed how to be a good member of society.

What is "The Book of the Courtier"? 


This small Caribbean island traded hands between the French and British, and is now a commonwealth under the UK.

What is Saint Lucia?


This eastern Himalayan country lays 10,671 feet above sea-level and is the only carbon-negative country. 

What is Bhutan?


In this 2020 action comedy, a strange doctor tries to capture a blue alien.

What is "Sonic the Hedgehog"?