This note is worth 1 beat.
What is a quarter note?
This rest is worth one beat.
What is a Quarter Rest?
Label this rhythm.
1 2 3 4
Label this rhythm.
1 (2) 3 4+
Label this rhythm.
1 2+ 3 | 1+2 + 3
This note is worth 2 beats.
What is a Half Note?
This rest is worth two beats.
What is a Half Rest?
Label this rhythm.
Label this rhythm.
1+ 2 3+ 4
Label this rhtyhm.
(12) 3+ 4 | (1234)
This note is worth four beats.
What is a Whole Note?
This rest is worth 4 beats.
What is a Whole Rest?
Label this rhythm.
12 3 (4)
Label this rhythm.
1+ 2+ 3
Label this rhythm.
1 (2) + | 1 +2 + | 1 (2)
This note is worth three beats.
What is a Dotted Half Note?
This rest is worth three beats.
What is a Dotted Half Rest?
Label this rhythm.
1 2 3+ 4
Label this rhythm.
(1) 2 34 | 123 4+
Label this rhythm.
12 3 4+ | 1 2+3 + 4 | 1+ 2 3+ 4
This note is worth one and a half beats.
What is a Dotted Quarter Note?
This rest is worth one and a half beats.
What is a Dotted Quarter Rest?
Label this rhythm.
1 2+ 3 (4)
Label this rhythm.
(1) 2 | 1 (2) | 1+ 2
Label this rhythm.
1 2 (3) + | 1+ 2 (3)