Cite text evidence and inferences
Central idea
Analyze key events and ideas

Select a detail from the text that supports the claim that workers are getting paid low wages for hard work.

A. "tomato workers there were paid about 30 cents for picking a 32-pound bucket of tomatoes. They earned no more than $10,000 a year for back-breaking, dangerous labor."

B. "The workers decided to start with Taco Bell. The restaurant chain was known for buying huge quantities of tomatoes at very low prices".

C. "Their protest appears in an Academy Award-nominated documentary called “Food Chains," which actress Eva Longoria helped produce".

D. “When you beat one of us, you beat us all,” he told the crowd. 

A. "tomato workers there were paid about 30 cents for picking a 32-pound bucket of tomatoes. They earned no more than $10,000 a year for back-breaking, dangerous labor."


Which section of the article explains HOW tomato farmworkers were able to get better pay? 

(A) "Attack on worker starts movement "

 (B) "Low pay for hard, dangerous work" 

(C) "Strength seen in big sellers "


(C) "Strength seen in big sellers "


 What influenced Benitez’s decision to make a change that benefits farm workers? (RI.1.3)

A. The beating of Edgar.

B. His standoff against his boss.

C. Taco Bell's refusal to pay more for tomatoes.

D. The creation of the documentary "Food Chain”.

A. The beating of Edgar.


Select the sentence from the text that supports the idea that change starts with the big companies (RI.1.1)

A. “The dream for us is to create a new agricultural industry in this country,” (Paragraph 20)

B.  “Benitez and seven other workers formed the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.”(Paragraph 8)

C.  “The company agreed to pay a penny more per pound of tomatoes, with the extra money going directly to workers.” (Paragraph 16)

D. “After the coalition was formed, workers began asking farm owners for a pay increase, but almost none would pay anything more.” (Paragraph 12 )

C.  “The company agreed to pay a penny more per pound of tomatoes, with the extra money going directly to workers.” (Paragraph 16)


Which sentence from the text best captures the central idea? 

A. All farmworkers should be treated well for doing "an honest, hard job,”. 

B. Lucas Benitez was another Immokalee tomato farmworker. Edgar's beating made him very angry. 

C. In 1996 the workers decided it was time to fight back.

D. After four years, Taco Bell finally gave in. It signed on to something called the Fair Food Program. 

A. All farmworkers should be treated well for doing "an honest, hard job,”. 


Why did tomato farmworkers protest in 2012? 

(A) because Wendy's will not join the Fair Food Program 

(B) because Publix refuses to pay a better price for tomatoes

 (C) because Eva Longoria helped make a movie about them 

(D) because some tomato farm owners still mistreat their workers

(B) because Publix refuses to pay a better price for tomatoes


Select the sentence from the section "Strength seen in big sellers" that supports the inference that companies started to make changes to help workers. 

A. Taco Bell also agreed to buy tomatoes only from farms that treat workers fairly.

B. They were often treated very badly. Sometimes they were kept almost like prisoners. 

C. The workers who pick those tomatoes do not have an easy life. Their work is very hard and sometimes dangerous. 

D.The coalition asked farm owners to give workers more pay. Almost every farmer said no. 

A. Taco Bell also agreed to buy tomatoes only from farms that treat workers fairly.


Which answer choice summarizes the section "Low Pay For Hard, Dangerous Work"? (RI.1.2)

A. .Many of the farmworkers at tomato farms in Immokalee were teenagers from Mexico and Central America. 

B. Immokalee tomato farms supply nearly every tomato in America and they used to treat farmworkers very poorly.

C. Many of the tomato farmworkers at Immokalee tomato farms were exposed to harmful chemicals and poor conditions.

D. Immokalee tomato workers were mistreated and underpaid so they asked farm owners to improve their conditions and pay.

D. Immokalee tomato workers were mistreated and underpaid so they asked farm owners to improve their conditions and pay.


How does the passage introduce the topic of working conditions for tomato pickers? (RI.1.3)

A.  A startling fact is shared that all tomato pickers have encountered. 

B.  A humorous statement is used to entertain the reader about teen labor.

C.  An anecdote is presented about harsh working treatment to identify the focus of the text.

D.  A field worker is directly quoted on his experience of getting large companies to support their cause.

C.  An anecdote is presented about harsh working treatment to identify the focus of the text.


What is the MOST LIKELY reason why the author includes the description of Benitez's experience in the introduction [paragraphs 1-4]? 

(A) to emphasize the success of the coalition of farmworkers

 (B) to show that Benitez is an experienced leader

(C) to demonstrate poor treatment of tomato farmworkers

(D) to foreshadow the boycott on Taco Bell in the future

(C) to demonstrate poor treatment of tomato farmworkers


Which detail from the article BEST supports the central idea that a farmworker-led movement was created to combat the challenges faced by workers? (RI.1.2)

A. “He wanted Benitez to help unload a truck instead of taking a time-wasting break.” (Paragraph 2)

B. “The coalition hopes to see similar programs spread to workers who pick other crops.” (Paragraph 20)

C. “The restaurant chain was known for buying huge quantities of tomatoes at very low prices. (Paragraph 14)

D. “Workers were often treated brutally, and were sometimes kept in almost slave-like conditions.”  (Paragraph 11)

D. “Workers were often treated brutally, and were sometimes kept in almost slave-like conditions.”   

      (Paragraph 11)


What is the purpose of section "Strength seen in big sellers" in the article?

A. To show that when pressure is put on big companies to change some of they can and will eventually support the change

B. To show how mean Taco Bell can be to it's employee's and turn their back of the farmers. 

C. To show how kind people can be even in the face of injustice. 

A. To show that other people outside of just farmers stood up to Taco Bell to be a voice of change for farmers.


Which detail from the article BEST supports a main idea from the article? 

(A) He wanted Benitez to help unload a truck instead of taking a time-wasting break. 

(B) Workers were often treated brutally, and were sometimes kept in almost slave-like conditions. 

(C) The restaurant chain was known for buying huge quantities of tomatoes at very low prices. 

 (D) The coalition hopes to see similar programs spread to workers who pick other crops.

(B) Workers were often treated brutally, and were sometimes kept in almost slave-like conditions.