What does the student need to do to be ON TIME?
Be in their seat before bell rings with a pencil.
How do Student's in Mr. Rice's class ask to use the bathroom?
Name ONE of the 3 parts of the Beach Park Expectations
1.) Love is Limits
2.) Consistency is Key
3.) Learning is NOT Optional.
What is the easiest way to give Mr. Rice Points?
Talking while Mr. Rice or another classmate is speaking.
How many TOTAL days did we have no school? (Including weekends)
16 :)
What will Mr. Rice be looking for before calling on a student?
What are students supposed to do if they DO NOT have a pencil?
1.) Ask a friend
2.) Go to Mr. Rovenolt
3.) Kindly ask Mr. Rice BEFORE class "Mr. Rice, May I please have a pencil"
Do you NEED to have a pass to be in the hallway?
Yaaaas Queen.
How can we prevent Losing Points?
What day of the week was New Years Eve?
What can students do to earn an Eagle Feather?
1. Fix a Mistake for the class
2. Ask a Good Question
3. Go above and beyond expectations.
Do I NEED to have a pass to be in the hallway?
Yaaaaaas Queen.
What is Mrs. Meek's Dog's Name?
What is the prize for having the most points at the end of the week?
Free Time the Last 10 minutes of class on Friday.
What website or game were you on the most on Winter Break?
Answers vary...Roblox? Fortnite? Minecraft? Pokemon? Call of duty? Idk
What should be on your desk before the bell rings?
Paper at the back table and a Pencil.
What has to be done before you leave the Classroom?
The floor needs to be SPOTLESS
Hands On = __________
GO HOME!!! (We don't do that here)
What could happen to a student that gives too many points to Mr. Rice?
1 of many options:
Refocus Seat, Talk Privately, Call Home, Change Seat, whatever is most appropriate.
Name another holiday celebrated over winter break besides New Years Eve or Christmas.
Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Winter Solstice, others?
What can be done to earn a Piece of Candy?
Go above and beyond expectations. The expectation is different for everyone.
If I need a pencil sharpened? What do I have to do?
SILENTLY Hold up your Pencil and Mr. Rice will trade you for a new one.
How many students are allowed to be in the bathroom from ONE class?
Why would Mr. Rice get a Point for someone else talking when they aren't supposed to?
Answers vary... See Mr. Rice
What are you looking forward to the most THIS Friday? (Think to the Future)
The weekend!!!!