Prince Hall
Richard Allen
Daniel Coker
Societal Standards
Personal Beliefs

For what country was Prince Hall royalty?

Prince Hall is actually not royalty. During this time period, masters liked to give their slaves ironic names. However, Prince Hall was very powerful.


How do Richard Allen and Prince Hall differ?

Both Richard Allen and Prince Hall wanted black equality. However, he found a black community in the Independent church instead of the masonic lodge.


What was the signifigance of Coker's pamphlet?

Coker's pamphlet "A dialogue between a Virginian and an African Minister" was the first black abolitionist paper published in the upper south for 20 years. It was written in a scholarly tone and was created to hopefully inspire a southern abolitionist movement.


What was the legal status of most Africans during this time period?

Most black people were enslaved and treated as property. Even if they were free, they did not have much legal or social status.


What do you feel for these abolitionists?

Women: Sympathy due to being a marginalized group as well

Federalists: Some would support gradual change, but most would value the economic benefits that come along with slavery

Anti-Federalists: Although some may fight for indivisual rights, most of them benefit from slavery economically


How he was Prince Hall able to speak up against racial injustices?

Born in 1735, possibly in Barbados, Hall lived in a world where Africans occupied the lowest rung of Atlantic society. Hall joined a Congressional church when he was 27 and seucred a manumission agreement from his master in 1770. 

 In what ways did Allen advocate for black equality?

Allen wrote pamphlets, lobbied political officials to support black equality, and crafted the first autobiography by a black founding figure.


How did he use religion to jsutify his antislavery beliefs?

Coker used quotes from the bible such as "Let my people go" and "The lord hath made of one blood all nations of the earth" to prove that slavery was morally wrong. By using religion to speak to the white plantation owners, he hoped to sway their beliefs.


How essential was racial heirarchy in colonial life?

Racial heirarcy was essential to life in the Americas. Rich white people were at the top. People who were mixed were considered black and treated poorly.


How did you feel about Coker's pamphlet?

Women: may be persuaded due to religous and personal components

federalists: northern federalists were typically opposed to slavery while southern ones were for it. Depending on where they lived, they may or may not like it. 

Anti-federalists: Most anti-federalists relied on economic benefits that came along with slavery so they would not appreciate the pamphlet.


What is the African lodge? 

The African Lodge is the world's first black lodge for Freemasonry. Hall viewed education, piety, communal support and egalitarianism as the keys to uplifting black people.


What was the Free produce Movement?

This movement was in the 1830s and was a boycott of slave made products. Many abolitionists, including Allen, participated in this. 


Who was Coker's pamphlet adressed to?

Coker's pamphlet was adressed to white southerners. He wanted them to embrace emancipation and racial equality.


How were black people perceived?

Black people were depicted in negative ways. In order to justify how they were treating the Africans, many white people created stories about how they were inferior. 

What do you think about African colonization (black people moving back to Africa)?

Women: might fear the social disruption and would not want to be lower in the social hierarchy again

Federalists: Might think that it is practical, but be worried about the economical implications

Anti-federalists: Might feel that the central governemnt is overstepping by allowing all black people to be able to move to Africa


What is the main goal of Prince Hall’s work?

Hall petitioned for change frequently. One example is through Massachuessets Legislature. He has said that "petitioners have long and patiently awaited the event of [abolition in] petition after petition. He vowed to never give up until freedom was secured.


What role did African churches have on Allen and other black people?

These churches were safe havens for many black people. Women and families supported them financially  which led to many being built in Philadelphia. Allen himself was a methodist and used his religion to argue that slavery was morally unjust.


How did Coker gain his freedom and how did others gain theirs?

Coker ran away to New York to gain freedom. Others were granted a fixed amount of time to work in exchange for not running away. Enslaved people also were granted manumission agreements.


How educated were most black people?

While it may seem like most enslaved people were literate, as these three men were, it was unfortunately not reality. Most enslaved people were prohibited from reading and writing as it was a threat to the institution of slavery.


How would you be affected by the Free Produce Movement?

Women: Prices for everyday things would increase such as sugar and textiles. It may affect their management of their households.

Federalists: Would be upset about the economic impacts but would not be upset with increased need for trade.

Anti-federalists: They might see it as an opportunity to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on centralized trade

How did Prince Hall react to being overlooked?

He chose to highlight racism in their society through writing speeches, newspapers, petitions, pamphlets and more.


What happened to the number of enslaved people in Pennsylvania around 1790?

A wave of freedom agreements were granted during 1790 in Pennsylvania. These agreements granted them freedom. Unfortunately, they did not get social or political equality.


Where did Coker spend the rest of his life and what signifigance does it have?

Coker moved back to Africa for the rest of his life. Many free blacks thought that the only way to achieve full equality and liberty was to emmigrate.


What was the religion of most black people during this time?

Enslaved people were often converted to christianity. Many free blacks priorotized their faith and were christian beyond enslavement.


How do you feel about manumission agreements?

women: might be empathetic and happy that they are free. Those who rely on slave labor may be worried about future changes

federalists:may be worried about the free black's places in society politically.

anti-federalists: may be worried about economic impacts. They might feel that local governments should issue laws regarding manumission.