On Top of the World
"Can you see my screen?"
Paper for your thoughts?
More Espresso, Less Depresso
The Bare (Office) Necessities

I stand on four legs but I'm not alive. I hold your workday from nine to five. What am I?

A Desk. 


I travel the world in seconds to deliver important news, through the computer screen, your eyes will view. What am i? 

An Email. 


I keep a record but tell no tales. Flip my pages as time sails. What am I?

A Calendar.


Hold me close, feel the heat, without a flame, and with a morning treat. What am I?



I am not a clipper, yet I clip, holding together what might slip. What am I?

A Paperclip.


I support you while you think and scheme, I'm on wheels but not a vehicle it seems. What am I?

A Chair.


A building, a room, a place to thrive, where business and effort come alive. What am I?

An Office.


In an office jungle, I roar with might, turning thoughts from pixels to black and white. What am I?

A Printer.


I have two hands, on my face they lie, you can check on me as your day goes by. What am I?

A Clock. 


A trail of thoughts my tip creates, on a journey with no eraser skates. What am I?

A Pen.


I have many keys, but no locks. I have space, but no rooms. You may enter, but you may not go outside. What am I?

A Keyboard.


Moving with ease, floor to floor, I open my doors to offer more. What am I?

An Elevator. 


I create twins or triplets of what you've written, without a single mistake to be smitten. What am I?

A Copy Machine.


I’m fried or baked, with a glaze or not, a delightful office treat that hits the spot. What am I?

A Donut.


I am a surface, often white; with markers bright, I highlight insights. What am I?

A Whiteboard.


I'm not a zoo creature, but I sure can scurry. With me at your side, you'll browse without worry. What am I?

A Mouse.


A room enclosed, where voices join, to discuss, to argue, to anoint. What am I?

A Meeting Room.


I'm filled with lines on which to write, capturing your ideas, day or night. What am I?

A Notepad.


A potion of warmth and wakefulness I brew, giving a jolt to the office crew. What am I?

A Coffee Machine.


I have pointed fangs, and I sit and wait. I have piercing force, and I crunch with weight. I grab my victims, but they do not fight. I join them each with a single, quick bite. What am I?

A Stapler. 


You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?

A Telephone.


No room is needed, though voices fill space; distances conquered, face to virtual face. What am I?

An Online Call.


In me, you'll find a web of rings, making order of paper wings. What am I?

A Binder.


I hold liquids best served hot or cold, and in my presence, gossip is often told. What am I?

A Water Cooler. 


I stand in silence, guarding a treasure trove. Hold the key and through my memories, you'll rove. What am I?

A Filing Cabinet.