you can see me in the sky but never find my ending what am i?
a rainbow
i have a head and and a tail but no body what am i?
a coin
what goes up but never down
i am orange with a hint of green somewhere on me what am i?
a pumpkin or a carrot
if you don't keep me i'll break what am i?
a promise
what can you catch but not throw
a cold
i have holes but i can still hold water what am i?
a sponge
it belongs to you but your friends use it more what is it?
your name
what is high and blue and never ends
the sky
i am lighter than a feather but no one can hold me for long what am i?
your breath
you can climb me,plant me but never go trough me what am i?
a tree
the more you take the more you leave behind what am i?
what has hands and a face but can't hold anything or smile?
a clock
what's black and white and red all over
the newspaper
i am lighter than air but a hundred people cannot lift me. careful i'm fragile what am i?
a bubble
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