I have a spine but no bones. What am I?
A book
White and sparkly I can be, kids make angels out of me. What am I?
I have wheels and flies, but I’m not an airplane.
What am I?
Garbage truck
I have fangs, and enjoy piercing holes with a single bite.
What am I?
A Stapler
I am always around you, but often forgotten. I am pure and clean most of the time, but occasionally rotten. What am I?
I can connect you to the world but sometimes you ignore me. I’m covered with buttons and my sounds can be unique. Don’t drop me or I might crack. What am I?
your phone
I have a neck with no head, two arms but no hands. You have me right now!
What am I?
A shirt
People buy me to eat, but people never eat me. What am I?
a Plate
I come out at night without being called. I’m lost in the day without being stolen. What am I?
I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?
a shadow
Children love to play with me but not inside, only out. Watch out for the wires and trees for you could tangle me. Look up and watch me dance, the faster you run the faster I will wiggle. What am I?
A Kite
The more you have of me, the less you see. What am I?