I speak without a mouth and hear without ears.I have no body,but come alive with wind.What am I?
an echo
the wind defeats me like there is no tomorrow.I'm also used to light up a room when it is dark.What am I?
a candle
I have cities but no houses.i lead you around to get to your destination.What am I?
a map
what month of the year has 28 days?
all of them
i'm a color but also a fruit.What am I?
an orange
what is in the middle of March and April that cant be seen at the beginning or end of the month?
the letter"R"
you see a boat filled with people.It has not sunk,but when you look at it again,you don't see a single person.Why?
they are all married
what has keys but you cant open a single door with it?
a piano
"are you asleep yet"
there is a one story house.one person really need to go upstairs but the owner of the house say they cant.Why cant they go upstairs?
because it's a one story house so it doesn't have any steps
I have keys but no locks and space and no rooms.You can enter but cant go outside.What am I?
a keyboard
what goes up but never goes down?
your age
Kim's parents have 5 kids.Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,and?
a type of table can you eat?
a vegeTABLE
how many letters are in the alphabet
there is 11 words in"the alphabet"
this belongs to you but everyone else uses it.What is it?
your name
what has legs but doesn't walk?
a table
what type of building contains the most stories?
the library
it's very light but you cant hold it for more than a few minutes.What is it?
your breath
What do cows drink?
what can you hold in your right hand but never your left hand?
your left hand.
what has words but never speak?
a book
if you are running a race and you past the person in second place,what place are you in?
second place
we do the same thing every time we look at each other.What am I?
your reflection