School 1
School 2
Animal 1
Animal 2

Although this thing has a spine
It doesn’t have a face
Although it is not clothing
It gets stored in a case

What is a BOOK?


I sometimes have lines on me
And other times I am blank
I’m made from a cut down tree
Although I am not a plank

What is PAPER?


There’s lots of me at Thanksgiving
But you don’t want me to be wasted
Because my meat’s really juicy
Just so long as I have been basted

What is a TURKEY?


Some people are scared of this creature
Because it can have a big bite
So be careful out in the ocean
One of its kind is a Great White

What is a SHARK?


This is a fruit that
You might be fed
You just need to mix
Yellow and red

What is an ORANGE?


This is an item you use
To write something to be read
You keep it sharp on one end
In the middle there is lead

What is a PENCIL?


This is something that’s yellow
But it’s not a leaf in the fall
It’s a type of vehicle
Which takes you everyday to school

What is a BUS?


My wings are used as flippers
So in water I can flow
Sometimes when on land I slide
On my belly in the snow

What is a PENGUIN?


This is something black and white
But it’s not an old TV
It’s a type of animal
That starts with the letter Z

What is a ZEBRA?


This is a type of fruit
Whose shape is an oval
Its color is yellow
And it is fairly small

What is a LEMON?


Fill me up with metal
And let me do my thing
Get some sheets of paper
I’ll have them attaching

What is a STAPLER?


You often use it with a brush
But not the kind used on your hair
Add it nicely to some canvas
So that people will stop and stare

What is a PAINT?


I am known as a king
The jungle’s where I reign
It is hard to tame me
And I have a large mane

What is a LION?


I like to hop around
I’m a tadpole when I’m young
I am green and I croak
And catch flies with my long tongue

What is a FROG?


This is a type of fruit
On which you can dine
To get another fruit
Put it after pine

What is an APPLE?


I have a plastic cover
And I have three rings inside
I come in many sizes
Like three or five inches wide

What is a BINDER?


This thing has a back and legs
But doesn’t have any hair
It’s something on which you sit
Which means that it is a _ _ _ _ _

What is a CHAIR?


I like to use my long tongue
To eat leaves from tops of trees
I don’t have to climb up though
With my long neck it’s a breeze

What is a GIRAFFE?


It’s a very common pet
A baby is called a kitten
The number of lives it has
Is said to be one less than ten

What is a CAT?


My color is yellow
And I grow on trees
I’m a popular food
With apes and monkeys

What is a banana?


Contrary to my name
I am not a queen
Hold me up to things though
And their length is seen

What is a RULER?


I’m something you might use at school
Although I am not a clock
I am something that beats paper
But I am beaten by rock

What are SCISSORS?


Some types slither on the ground
And some can live up in the trees
Adders, vipers and cobras
What kind of animals are these?

What is a SNAKE?


If you see one when you’re camping
It might give you a big fright
They can be black, brown or grizzly
And pandas are black and white

What is a BEAR?


This fruit is made of two words conjoined
The first part of it is also a tree
The second part is a different fruit
And goes on a pizza from Hawaii

What is a PINEAPPLE?