What time starts and stops with an “n”?
Two coins add up to 30 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are the coins?
A quarter and a nickel. One of the coins is not a nickel but the other one is.
what makes you,young
Adding the letters “ng”.
What gets broken without being held?
a promise
Most people need it, some ask for it, some give it, but almost nobody takes it. What is it?
What three words are said too much, yet not enough?
i love you
I can’t be seen, found, heard or smelled. I lie behind stars and under hills, I fill empty holes, come first and follow after. What am I?
How do you spell hard water with only three letters?
Can you write “cow” using thirteen letters?
see o double you
What can you never get rid of when you lose it?
What has one head, one foot, and four legs?
a bed
You answer me, but I never ask you a question. What am I?
a telephone
What has branches and leaves but has no bark?
a library
What has 12 faces and 42 eyes?
a pair of dice
I’m often running yet I have no legs. You need me but I don’t need you. What am I?
Its ready to walk when I’m all tied up, but really should stop when I’m untied. What am I?
Spelled forwards I’m what you do everyday, spelled backwards I’m something you hate. What am I?
A man was stabbed in the heart, no one tried to save him but he didn’t die. How is that possible?
he was already dead
What is the building that you leave without ever having entered.
the hospital you were born in
Imagine you are in a room with no doors or windows, how do you get out?
Stop imagining
I run in and out of town all day and night but I never get tired. What am I?
What connects two people but only touches one?
wedding ring
I have five and take away two, yet I am left with four. How is this possible?
Take the letters F & E off of the word five. This leaves you with IV which is four in roman numerals.
What moves without seeing and cries without eyes?
a cloud
What five letter word stays the same when you take away the first, third, and last letter?