I am known as a king
The jungle’s where I reign
It is hard to tame me
And I have a large mane
In the Icy wind and falling snow, my fur keeps me warm from nose to paw. Who am I
Polar bear
I plough fields but never sow; I have a corkscrew tail and snuffly nose.
I can hide quickly wherever I may be, You can try but you will not find me. Who am I
I can sizzle like bacon,
I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions but remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole.
As the first ray of light shines, I’m an early riser waking up others. What bird am I?
. I am an animal you might love
But I am too huge to be your pet
I have an extremely long trunk
And it is said I never forget.
I don't have to wait for the light of the day. Even in the night I can find my way.
An Owl
With my eight legs, long and thin, what beautiful cobweb I can spin!
I take the fruit, when it is sweet, to my little ones in the nest to eat.
I am a type of insect
You might see flutter by
I have wings so colourful
I am a …
I live in the ocean and move slowly. I eat clams and have five arms. What am I?
I have horns, I like to bleat, but I’m not a sheep. What am I?
I like to use my long tongue
To eat leaves from the tops of trees
I do not have to climb up though
With my long neck, it is a breeze
I creep and crawl with no eyes, legs or ears, but I can move the earth with my peers. What am I?
I live in the woods.
I am huge and furry.
I like to eat berries and fish.
And most of all, honey.
A Bear
The alphabet goes from A to Z, but I go Z to A.
I am an animal with two long ears, and I hop but don’t walk.
My skin is green and slippery
I have four legs and webbed feet
I hop on land and swim underwater
I love bugs and little fish to eat.
I’m spotty and speedy, but not at all greedy. I look like a leopard but don’t try to play me at cards. What am I?
For me, I slap you. Because of you, I slap myself. Hitting your skin, My blood flows. What Am I?
I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?
I live upside down, and on Halloween, I’ll give you a big surprise. I see with my ears and not my eyes.
A Bat
I’ve got lumps on my back and I live on the sand. I’m strong and I carry you over the land. What am I?
I look like you, except I have a tail; I am a good tree climber. I can mimic you very easily. I eat fruits, insects and flowers. My favourite food is bananas.