More Stuff
Even More Stuff
The Most Stuff

A pair of shoes and and pair of socks cost a total of $1.10. The shoes cost $1.00 more than the socks. How much do the socks cost?

What is $0.05?


If a yellow brick road is yellow, Blue from Blue’s Clues is blue and the White House is white, then what color is an eye with a blue pupil?

What is blue and white?


4 rubber ducks were floating in the bathtub, 2 floated away and 2 drowned. How many ducks are still alive?

 What is none?

(Rubber ducks are not alive.)


If E + 1 = 4, D + 1 = 3, E – D = 1, then what do you get when you put E and 3 together?

What is 8?

(If you put the numbers side by side.)


If you buy a rooster so that you can harvest and eat eggs every morning and you expect to have three eggs every morning for breakfast, then how many eggs would you have after 10 days?

What is none?

(Roosters don't lay eggs.)


Frank was born in 1933 and died in 1946 at the age of 57. How can this be?

What is the room number?

(He was born in room 1933 in the hospital and died in room 1946.)


If you paint a brown house white it will become a white house, if the stop light changes from red to green then the light is green. So, if you throw a white shirt into the Red Sea, what will it become?

What is wet?

(There would be no color change, because the red sea isn't actually red.)


I am a few inches long, a couple inches wide and most people would love to get their hands on me. What am I?

What is a bar of gold?


People make me, keep me, change me, raise me, even though I can be very dirty. What am I?

What is money?


In a one story house at the corner of the road, the bedrooms were yellow, the kitchen was blue, the living room was orange, the garage was green, the entry hall was red and the sitting room was purple. What color were the stairs?

What is none?

(It's a one story house; there are no stairs.)


The mad scientist wanted to take a person who had 5 heads and remove 4 of them and sew them onto a clown’s head. He estimated that it would take 43 minutes per head. How long would it take him to complete the entire procedure?

What is never?

(No person has 5 heads.)


Dave's father has 3 sons, Snap, Crackle, and who?

What is Dave?


A man has a bee in his hand, what does he have in his eyes?

 What is Beauty?

(Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.)


A little girl goes to the store and buys one dozen eggs and, as she is going home, all but three break. How many eggs are left unbroken?

What is 3?


Friday, Jason and Jeff went to the store to buy some bread. The total of $12 was divided equally among the friends. Jason paid $4 and Jeff paid $4 as well. Who paid the other $4?

What is Friday?


If a military camp has 183 soldiers and a military rebel has one shot to get them all, what would the rebel do to make sure one shot got all 183?

What is to ask them to stand close?

(So that they all fit in the photo.)