I come in all shapes and sizes,
But if you got me don't be expecting any surprises.
You use me in a mall,
But don't use me to call.
I can be Texas or Sharp,
But I can't play the harp.
You can punch me all you want,
And you may see me in a restaurant.
I get what you want in an instant,
And figure out some things you can't.
Just select the parallel key,
And the object you were searching for is what you will see.
What am I?
A calculator.
1. I come in all shapes and sizes,
But if you got me don't be expecting any surprises.
Calculators come in many shapes and sizes. The main function of a calculator is to figure out an equation which will not surprise the user.
2. You use me in a mall,
But don't use me to call.
This is referring to cash registers which have calculators to add up a cost total.
This is pointing out it is not a phone.
3.I can be Texas or Sharp,
But I can't play the harp.
Texas and Sharp are both calculator brands, This is referring to the fact it does not play music.
4.You can punch me all you want,
And you may see me in a restaurant.
Punching is referring to punching the calculator keys. Calculators can be seen in restaurants to calculate cost totals.
5. I get what you want in an instant,
And figure out some things you can't.
Calculators calculate equations very quickly. Some equations can be solved using a calculator which can't be solved manually by some.
6. Just select the parallel key,
And the object you were searching for is what you will see.
This is referring to the equal button because it is two horizontal parallel lines. After you enter this key the answer to the equation is shown.