Coping Strategies

Give an example of a positive affirmation

"I can do this", "I'm smart", "I'm trying my best", "I am loved", "I am enough", "I'm beautiful"

You see a friend sitting alone at recess with her head down. What are some things you could do to make her feel better?

Sit by her, ask if she wants to talk about it, let her know that you are there for her, let an adult know you're worried about your friend.


What are some feelings someone who is lonely might feel?

Sad, hurt, shy, overwhelmed, confused


True or False: Everyone experiences stress.



Is it important to talk about your feelings, yes or no?



Describe belly breathing

A way of controlling your breathing to help you feel more relaxed. Deep breaths that help us to calm down.


What would you do if a friend experiencing depression asked you to promise not to tell anyone what they shared with you?

If you are concerned and think your friends need more help than just talking with you, it is important to get help from an adult. 


How does sleep affect our emotions?

It helps us to stay kind, less cranky, more alert, able to learn and focus


True or False: There is such thing as bad emotions

False, there are positive and negative emotions, but no emotion is bad or makes you bad for feeling it.


What is mindfulness?

Being present and aware of what is happening in our minds and bodies right then in the moment


How can journaling or making art be helpful to your mental health?

Helps us to calm down, think through the situation, remember the good things, reflect, lets out any uncomfortable feelings in a productive way.


It's been a hard week at home and you just got in trouble at school. You are feeling overwhelmed, mad, and sad all at the same time. What could you do to help yourself in this scenario?

Find a trusted adult to talk to, talking to friends, get good rest, eat good food, self-care (art, listening to music, going for a walk, playing with a pet, etc)


If you are feeling extremely angry, what is something you could do to become less angry?

Any coping strategy that works for you! (Go for a walk, listen to music, journal, talk it out with someone, draw, etc)


True or False: Depression is a deeper, more intense kind of sadness that lasts a lot longer than just being upset and influences some of the things we do in our lives.


Name 2 things you can't control, and 2 things you can control

Can't: the weather, what someone says, homework assigned

Can: your words, your actions


Give an example of an Automatic Negative Thought and Positive Self-Talk.

ANT: "I suck at this, I'm dumb, I can't do this"

Positive Self-Talk: "I can't do this YET, I'll give it my best shot, I can do hard things"


If a friend is depressed and wants to talk with an adult, who could they go to?

Parent, Teacher, Counselor, Psychologist, Social Worker


What happens to your body when you feel worry? How can you feel less worried?

Headaches, stomachaches, nerves, can't concentrate

Mindfulness often helps- belly breathing or visualization 


True or False: Laughter has no effect on your mental health

False, laughter can boost our immune system to help us fight illness, makes us feel less pain, makes our heart and lungs stronger, relaxes our bodies and minds, and puts us in a more positive mood


Name 2 of your favorite coping strategies that help you to relax
