What does Riga wanna be when she grows up?
A doktor
This is Riga’s zodiac sign
This is the language Riga would love to learn fluently.
If Riga could have any animal as a pet, even a wild one, she would choose this
tiny dog
Riga’s favorite way to relax after a long day is this
To watch in her phone
What Riga’s favorite singers?
Dafina Zeqiri, Dhurata Dora, Tyla, Yll Limani
What is Riga’s lucky number?
This is the sport Riga enjoys watching or playing the most.
Riga’s biggest fear is this
In which city i was born?
Shkup Maqedonia
This is Riga’s favorite way to celebrate a birthday?
With friends and family❤️
If Riga could only eat one meal forever, it would be this.
This is the subject Riga finds the most challenging.
This is Riga’s favorite book is?
“Gjyshja Gango”
If Riga could play any musical instrument perfectly, she would choose this one.
What is my fav subject in school?
If Riga could travel anywhere right now, she would choose this destination?
Tokyo, Japan
If Riga could meet any celebrity, it would be this person.(albanian)
Dafina Zeqiri
This movie/serie always makes Riga emotional
Alexa and Katie
Riga’s favorite ice cream flavor is this.
Mango or banana
The girl next to the ocean
What is the meaning of the name Riga?
Light rain
If Riga could have any superpowers, it would be these
Teleport and go back in time
If Riga could switch lives with anyone for a day, she would choose this person.
Riga’s favorite type of clothing to wear is this.
Trendy style