Freedom of speech is protected by this amendment.
The First Amendment
The right to keep and bear arms is protected by this amendment.
The Second Amendment
Learning and putting effort towards becoming an educated and responsible citizenship is part of which responsibility?
Attending school
Attending neighborhood meetings is a good way to participate in this responsibility.
Participating in community
Chelan is most famous for this export.
The right to remain silent and avoid self-incrimination is guaranteed by:
The Fifth Amendment
Freedom of assembly is protected by which amendment?
The First Amendment
Registering for the draft if required is an example of this responsibility.
Defending the nation
Serving as a juror when called is an example of this civic duty.
Serving in court
Where does Chelan rank on the list of deepest lakes in the USA?
Third (Behind Crater Lake, and Lake Tahoe)
Which amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures?
The Fourth Amendment
The right to a speedy and public trial is guaranteed by which amendment?
The Sixth Amendment
What is the most direct way a citizen can participate in government?
Following current events is a critical way to participate in this responsibility.
Staying informed
Chelan was named by the natives of the Wenathci tribe. The original name, Tsi-Laan, means what?
Deep Water
A trial by jury is protected by this amendment:
The Seventh Amendment
The Tenth Amendment reserves powers to:
The states and the people
Supporting only your own beliefs would be a NEGATIVE example of this responsibility.
Respecting different opinions
To maintain a healthy, functioning democracy, citizens should:
Respect the rights of others
Former CHS student, Joey Harris, played basketball at what university?
University of Virginia
Cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited by this amendment.
The Eight Amendment
The Third Amendment protects citizens from:
the quartering of soldiers
By following laws that protect individual rights, citizens are participating in this responsibility:
Respecting the rights of others
Fill in the blank: A civic responsibility is something that you ___________ do and a civic duty is something that you ____________ do.
should; must (have to)
What year was the current Chelan Middle/High School built?