Bill of Rights (1-10)
Duties and Responsibilities
1st Amendment Freedoms
What is suffrage?
The right to vote
People who "plead the Fifth" are referring to their right to remain _____________?
silent - do not have to speak unless lawyer present.
Name one Duty of citizenship.
obeying the law, attending school, paying taxes, serving in the armed forces, appearing in court
What is the freedom to hold meetings to talk about the government or other issues?
What was the special tax some states required citizens to pay in order to vote before 1964?
poll tax
What is it called when the government has the power to take private property for public use?
eminent domain - 5th amendment
Which amendment prevents illegal searches and seizures?
4th amendment
Name one Responsibility of Citizenship
voting, being informed, taking part in government, helping your community, respecting and protecting others rights
Explain Freedom of Press.
We have the Freedom to print thoughts, opinions and ideas in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, internet.
What do the Amendments give grant citizens?
rights & freedoms
What is double jeopardy?
When the government puts a person on trial twice for the same crime. (5th amendment)
What was the main argument in favor of the Bill of Rights?
guarantee individual rights and freedoms to American citizens
What does the responsibility of "being informed" mean?
Citizens need to be informed to cast their votes for representation wisely. Citizens need to take interest in the programs and activities of the government.
Name 4 out of the 5 freedoms granted by the 1st Amendment.
Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, Speech
What are the two ways a police officer can enter a home to collect evidence for a crime?
search warrant and giving permission at the front door (evidence in plain site)
What is the term associated with "the right to a fair trial" and what amendment does it come from?
Due process of law - 5th amendment
The rights of the accused do NOT include:
A. the right to a secret trial B. the right to remain silent C. the right to a speedy public trial D. The right to question witnesses
What are the two ways you can serve in the armed forces?
volunteer or get drafted
Freedom of speech allows us to express our opinions and thoughts. Why can we not yell "fire" in a crowded theater (assuming their is no fire)?
Our individual rights are sacrificed for the good/well being of the whole (more U.S. citizens).
What are the three Amendments that are considered African American Civil Rights Amendments?
13th, 14th, and 15th
What term is associated with "the government may not favor any religion" and what amendment is it associated with?
separation of church and state - 1st amendment
Explain how the Constitution is flexible?
Amendments allow the constitution to be flexible because they can change the constitution for the particular time period.
Explain the difference between a duty and a responsibility.
A duty is a "must" enforced by the law. A responsibility is a "should" not enforced by law.
A local newspaper plans to print an article criticizing the president of the United States and asking Congress to impeach the president. Should the president be able to keep the paper from printing the article? Explain
No - the 1st amendment freedoms of press and speech. As long as the paper does not write false statements (libel), the paper has the freedom of press to get information out to the public.
What are two responsibilities of a grand jury member?
Deciding whether the accused is guilty or not guilty and deciding whether there is enough evidence to go to trial