Is it Rigid or Flexible thinking?

You're really excited about field day today! When you get to school, it's storming and you find out field day has been moved to next week. What is a rigid thinking response?

"I don't want to wait until next week!" 

"This sucks!" 

"I'm not going to do anything since we aren't having Field day!" 

It's raining outside and you really wanted to ride your new bike. You decide to read a book instead and wait until tomorrow! Is this stiff or flexible thinking?

Flexible Thinking


You decide to not throw a tantrum because recess is indoors, what is a consequence of being flexible in this situation?

You can spend more time finding fun things to do in doors instead of being sad the rest of recess


You are supposed to go to your best friends birthday party today, but you woke up with a fever and can't go. What are some rigid thinking responses? What is a flexible thinking response?

"That's okay I can see my friend when I get better"

Your best friend decides that they want to sit with someone else at lunch instead of you. You decide to throw your lunch tray away and call her a "traitor!" Is this stiff or flexible thinking?
Stiff thinking!

You choose to kick the ball off the feild because you were tagged out during kickball. What is a consequence of being a stiff thinker in this situation?

Your friends might not want to play with you again. You could lose the ball


You're working on a painting during art class. All you need to do is finish is paint the sun. Someone just used the last of the yellow paint. What are some rigid thinking responses?

"Now I can't finish my art project!" 

"I'll never be able to finish my project now." 

"There's no use finishing, there's no more yellow paint." 


You get tagged out of a game and decide not to play with your friends anymore, is this stiff or flexible thinking?

Stiff thinking


You decide to use different materials for your art project because the ones that you wanted are all gone. What is a consequences for making this flexible choice?

You get to finish your work on time, and you might create something even cooler!


You and your group are trying to build a bridge from craft sticks. Every time you get to the last part, the bridge falls apart. What are some flexible thinking responses?

"Hmm, maybe we should try using something else to build our bridge? Or maybe we can try using tape instead of glue!" 


You aren't able to see the counselor today because there was another emergency she had to go to. You decide to talk to another trusted adult about what you wanted to tell the counselor instead. Is this stiff or flexible thinking?

Flexible thinking


You decide to yell at your teacher when she said that there would be no art class because of an assembly. What is the consequence of making a stiff thinking choice?

You might have to take a break and miss out on some of the assembly. 

You might lose privilege's later on in the day for your bad attitude. 


You have your first baseball game tonight and you think you're going to get to pitch! Your coach puts you in right field instead. What are some rigid thinking responses?

"I don't want to play this game anymore since I can't be the pitcher." 

Throwing a tantrum or fit. 


You were really looking forward to having pizza at lunch, but they're serving hamburgers instead. You decide to make your own salad out of the options available and wait until tomorrow when they do serve pizza! Is this stiff or flexible thinking?

Flexible thinking!


You decide to sit with someone else during lunch when you noticed that your friend wasn't in the lunch room. What is a consequence of this flexible choice?

You might make a new friend!