Types of Validity
Concepts of Different Validity Types
Quality Criteria
Types of Triangulation

Validity of interference that, given that an empirical relationship exits, it is the independent variable, rather than something else that causes the outcome.

What is internal validity?


Concerns the extent to which the implementation of an intervention is faithful to its plan.

What is intervention field (treatment fidelity)?


Characterized by efforts to establish new forms of validity that do not have reference points in traditional quantitative research.

What is diversification of meanings perspective?


Collecting data from different types or levels of people, with the aim of validating data through multiple perspectives on phenomenon.

What is person triangulation?


Reasons that an interference could be wrong.

What are threats to validity?


The gold-standard approach which involves keeping participants who were randomized in the groups to which they were assigned.

What is intention-to-treat analysis?


The four criteria (credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability) for developing trustworthiness of a qualitative inquiry were developed by?

Who are Lincoln and Guba?


This can involve gathering data at different times of the day or at different times of the year.

What is time triangulation?


This concerns whether inferences about observed relationships will hold over variations in persons, setting, time, or measures of the outcomes.

What is external validity?


This concerns ways in which relationships between variables might interact with or be moderated by variations in people, settings, time, and conditions.

What are threats to external validity?


The extent to which researchers fairly and faithfully show a range of realities.

What is authenticity?


This involves using multiple methods of data collection about the same phenomenon.

What is method triangulation?


The validity that inferences from the observed persons, settings, and cause and effect operations included in the study to the constructs that these instances might represent.

What is construct validity?


Several 'solutions' to the conflict between internal and external validity, the first approach is to?

What is emphasize one and sacrifice the other?


This is essential for building trust and rapport with informants, which in turn makes it more likely that rich, detailed information will be obtained.

What is prolonged engagement?


Data collected on the same phenomenon in multiple sites to test for cross-site consistency.

What is space triangulation?


This concerns the validity of inferences that there truly is an empirical relationship, or correlation, between the presumed cause and the effect.

What is statistical conclusion validity?


To assess whether the treatment was in place, was understood, or was perceived in an intended manner.

What is manipulation check?


'While strategies of trustworthiness may be useful in attempting to _______ rigor, they do not in themselves ______ right.'

What is evaluate and ensure?


The use of multiple referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes truth and has been compared to convergent validation.

What is triangulation?