Who is Rikki Tikki Tavi?
Rikki Tikki Tavii is a mongoose
How does the author's description of Nag show that he is the villain in the story? p.81
- Drazee says that Nag has killed a baby bird ( lines 82-83) -The author describes Nag's "horrid cold sound" lines ( 88-89) and his "wicked snake's eyes" ( line 96)
What is the meaning of revive?
to live again
p. 79 What might you infer about the people who live in this house?
They probably have a lot of money to live in such a nice house with such a big garden
p. 78 A: Rlcall the information in the background section on p. 77 Whom will Rikki Tikki Tavi go to war with?
The mongoose and the cobra are natural enemies who will fight to the death.
Analyse visuals p. 86.
Rikki tikki is going to fight Nag by hitting him on the back of the neck
Analyse visuals p. 82
-The snake looks brave because it is raised up tall and baring its teeth. -The mongoose looks brave because it is looking at the snake and has its feet planted so it can jump
p. 81 What is the meaning of " eaten up ..with" line 27
"consumed by, full of"
p. 80 B: How does Rikki Tikki come to live in the bungalow?
A flood washes Rikki Tikki away from his parents --> A human family finds him in their garden --> The family takes Rikki tikki into the bungalow
p. 85 i: Think about what Nag and Nagaina are planning to do. How do you think Rikki might respond?
Nag and Nagging plan to kill all the people in the house and then kill Rikki ( 224-227) Rikki will try to kill the snakes before they can carry out their plan.
What does the author mean in lines " 156-159" ?
Rikki Tikki doesn't know how dangerous Karait is.
Is Rikki Tikki's conflict with an outside force ( external conflict ) or within his own mind ( internal conflict )
External conflict against snakes
What is the meaning of "to and fro" lines 94,182,253,277
in one direction then the other, back and forth
What might the father's words be foreshadowing?
The father's warning might foreshadow a snake entering the house and endangering the family.
Compare how Rikki tick plans his attacks on Nag with how Nag plans his attack on the man?
Both look for the most advantageous place to stage the attack. Nag decides on the bath because man will not have his "stick" there. Riki tick decides to wait until Nag is asleep around the water jar
p. 84 lines (156-163) F: what doesn't Rikki Tikki realise about karait ?
Rikki Tikki doesn't know that he must bite Karait very close to the back of his head, or else the small snake will be able to twist around and bite Rikki on the eye or lip ( lines 158-159)
p. 84 How is the story's conflict related to its plot?
The plot reveals around how Rikki Tikki is going to deal with the snakes and whether he will win or not.
What is the meaning of end (line 120
) kill
p. 81 compare how Darzee and his wife and Rikki tick respond to Nag
All three characters understand that Nag is dangerous. The bird's response is to shrink in fear Rikki Tikki is curious when he hears Nag's name, but then jumps back when he hears the snake's hiss
What is the climax? p. 86
lines 262- 277
p. 84 G: Which characters in this story have conflicts with the snakes in the garden?
Drake and wife--> Nag ate their baby ( lines 82-83) Rikki Tikki --> Nagging and Karait attack him ( lines 117-121-161) Teddy's family --> Parents are worried about snakes ( lines 60- 61) father hits Karait with a stick ( lines 174- 175)
p. 85 H: Reread lines 203 - 216 What details make the conversation between Chuchundra and Rikki tick suspenseful?
Chuchundra's terror at being overheard by Nag makes the scene suspenseful. The way he repeats "H'sh" and says, " Nag is everywhere" line ( 206) create tension by making readers feel this fear.
Reread lines 111-125 which details of Nigaina's attack on Rikki create tension?
-lines ( 11-112) the movement in the grass behind Rikki Tikki -Drake's frantic warning ( line 116) -The description of Nagaina's head whizzing by (lines 118-119) and her "savage hiss" ( line 120) -The suggestions that Rikki Tikki is inexperienced and doesn't know how to kill a cobra
In lines 102-114 what does the passage suggest about the relationship between being afraid and being brave?
Being brave doesn't necessarily mean you are not afraid. in fact, it may mean that you take the right action in spite of feeling afraid, but they don't run away or back down.
j: p. 86 Why is the outcome of Rikki Tikki's fight with Nag uncertain ?
Rikki tikt is not sure of the best place to bite Nag. He hopes to break Nag's back, but if isn't able to do this quickly, Nag will put up a terrible fight.