The name of a frog’s young one
What is a tadpole
What is 6
The planet we live on
What is Earth
This is a baby dog
What is a pup
Sam I Am does not like these
What is Green Eggs and Ham
Season with the coldest weather
What is winter
What is 6
Number of planets in the solar system
What is 8
This is the tallest animal in the world
What is a giraffe
Winnie the Pooh's favorite food
What is honey
This animal holds the title for being the fastest land animal
What is a Cheetah
What is 12
The planet closest to the sun
What is Mercury
A group of lions is called this
What is a pride
The number of rainbow colors
What is 7
Animals need food, air, and ____ to survive
What is water
What is 46
I am not really a planet at all, although I used to be one
What is Pluto
This is the slowest animal in the world
What is a sloth
Name the two sisters in Frozen
Who are Elsa and Anna
The organ in the human body responsible for pumping blood
What is the heart
What is 21
The light of the Moon comes from this
What is the Sun
This bird can fly backward
What is a hummingbird
Santa checks his list this many times
What is 3